TIST India Newsletter - September 2008

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TIST India - Chezhumai / September 2008 


TIST India

The International Small Group & Tree Planting Program

TIST Farmers Help Worldwide Problem

The International Small Group & Tree Planting Program

TIST India: 19/8, Lake View Road, Kottur, Chennai 600 085, Tamil Nadu, India
Phone © +81 44 42188438 / Mobile: +91 9840299822 / Email: josephrexoni@tist org

For any info Dial 9003020

If you difficulty in TIST dial 9840299822

Our address: 19/8, Lake View Road, Kottur, Chennai 600085

Useful Herb 

Marikozhundu in botanical term known as exacum lawil C.B. Clarke. It is mostly used as fragrant flower. Also used as an herb for curing some minor ailments. It is a laxative. It is boiled with oil and applied in eye diseases, powdered and used for kidney disease. Marikozhundu oil is used for producing various cosmetics items. Marikozhundu essence is used for skin care, beauty care and hair care. The oil is used for lice and dandruff. Marikozhundu flowers are used in bouquets. Marikozhundu is used as an ingredient in other aromatic preparation too. Farmers may easily cultivate this herb as an intercrop in their tree groves which have red and sandy soil texture. It fetches a good income when itis sold in local flower vending shops.

Plan to get income from fruit trees, long stand standing timber trees, intercrops & conservative farming along with carbon revenue


Mr. A.V. Venkatachalam, Conservator of Forests, Vellore District had given an interview in the Hindu, Vellore about the TCPL Project and stated that TIST Program is dovetailed with TCPL in order to promote afforestation and enable farmers to earn income through sale of greenhouse credits. Interested people can go through the article in the Hindu, Vellore dated 13th September 2008. People who are not able to get the newspaper can go through  the TIST Chezhumai, August issue, in which the Conservator of Vellore has clearly explained about TCPL Project. TIST conveys a big thanks to the Conservator of Forests for giving the wonderful opportunity to serve the small hold farmers in Vellore and Tiruvannamalai Distrticts.


 THI Wellner


Thanigaivel Small Group of Thiruthani Center

This group is following the best practices in TIST Program at TT Kandigai Village of Thiruthani Center. The members of this group have planned well to get good revenue. In the beginning, they planted 392 mango trees, which are about one year old. These mango trees would get them the yield from the fourth year. Now, they have 1000 teak seedlings, which will be planted during October 2008. These teak trees would get them good revenue after 25 year. For the short time revenue, the members are practicing regular intercrops, like groundnut and gram, Apart from
mango, teak and intercrops revenue, the members would be receiving carbon revenue too from TIST for all their live mango and teak trees. TIST recommends this best practice, i.e, utilizing the land and available litile water effectively to get multiple revenues.

The members of this group have dedicated about 7 acres of land for TIST Program. The members attend all the TIST Node meetings regularly and are also organizing groups internal meeting too. They are also bringing in several new members and groups to TIST Program in and around TT Kandigai Village.

Member of Thanigaivel Small Group of Thiruthani Center at their mango grove

Nambi Small Group of Placepalayam Center

This group is following the best practices in TIST Program at Gangulugandigai Village at Placepalayam Center. The members of this group have their land in the hill side. Theirland soil is a mixer of stone and marbles. It is difficult to separate the stone and marbles to do agriculture and so, the members have decided plant trees in TIST Program. They have dedicated a grove area of 1.7 acres of land for planting trees. Presently, there are 464 mango and 341 neem trees in their grove. The members have removed the stone and marbles all around each tree and made little excavation around the tree, so that, the available little water gets stored around the tree. The excavated portion is covered with dried leaves and cow dung, which forms a good mulch & manure all around the tree. This helps the trees to grow well and quickly.

Children of a member of Nambi Small Group of Placepalayam Center happy in their mango grove

Lakshmi Small Group of Osur Center

This group is following the best practices of TIST at Venmanthai Village of Osure Center. One of the best practices of this group is that, they do not hurry to plant trees just for the sake of planting trees, They take utmost care in selecting the tree species and in maintaining the seedlings in their nursery. They plant trees in stages, so that, they are able to maintain all their trees well with the available little water. Six months back, they planted about 140 teak
trees, which are growing well now. The members are regularly practicing intercrops like groundnut for their short time revenue. Now, the members are maintaining about 2,100 teak seedlings. These seedlings are maintained under a neem tree to protect from direct sun light. They have also changed the position of the seedlings twice to stop the roots entering the ground. They are planning to plant these seedlings very shortly in an area of 2.5 acres.
The members say that, they are planting teak trees like a bank deposit, which will get them reap after two decades and for short time revenue, they will take the income from the intercrops and TIST stipend from carbon revenue.

Teak seedlings of Lakshmi Small Group of Osur Center

Rajesh Small Group of Thurinjapuram Center

This group is following the best practices of TIST at Velungananthal Village of Thurinjapuram Center. They have 1312 recently planted teak trees and 88 teak seedlings ready for transplanting. They are also practicing groundnut, snake- guard, chilli and black gram as regularly intercrops. This group was quantified by the quantifier on 10th September 2008. The members of this group are utilizing their land and available litter water effectively. Banana is also one of their regular farming crops, which gives them good yield. The members say that all parts of a banana tree are of good commercial value. The members of this group do not fail to attend the node meeting. They show keen interest to participate in the node fully.

Useful Tree to plant, 

Babul Tree /Karu-velam 

A tree which can withstand heat and waterlog Though not very much prominent or eye- catching amongst the other trees, the Babul Tree is one of the very well known trees in India. In Tamil, the tree is known as "Karu-

In the interiors and waterless regions, the Babul Tree is one of those very few trees that is able to find adequate nourishment and attains an average height. The tree protects itself from the grazing animals by establishing itself through arming its branch. It provides a good shade to these animals. However, the older trees and the branches that are beyond the reach of animals are not armed. The pairs of tiny leaflets are able enough to fold flat, the tree gets a greater chance of survival not only at night, but during the excessive heat also. The leaflets also posses a great value as it is capable of doctoring injuries. By exuding a gum from its branches, people can cure the wound very quickly.

Do not burn your agricultural waste, they will burn the globe

The “Babul” tree is small or medium in size and occasionally rises beyond 12 m. It has some straight, excellent grey-downy branchlets. The Babul Tree has some very useful properties. When the grass is not very much available, people use the pods, seeds and young branches of this tree as fodder for cattle, camel and goats. Most of the parts of the tree have medicinal values. The bark is used for tanning and dyeing as it contains a strong and astringent acid. During the months of March and April, the gum that exudes from the bark can be used as an alternate for Gum The village people also eat it after mixing it with the seeds of ‘Sesamum’. People can make a
soap substitute from a decoction of the bark and it has some medicinal values as well. The thorns of the ‘Babul’ tree are very much popular in the offices as they can be used to pin sheets of paper together. The timber is solid, heavy and durable and very much suitable to put into as many uses as making wheels, oil and sugar presses and also the agricultural implements. It can make excellent fuel as well.

Are you ready with your seedlings for transplanting? Its raining
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