TIST Kenya Newsletter - December 2006

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Ber THE TREE A TIST UGANDA'S Publication Volume 1 Issue No. 34 March 2012

 TIST Uganda March 2012 News letter “The Tres” Monpapura rio) orurikuhandilea aba TIST Ugandz, efaag ny fhe Intemational Smal Group and Tree) pEnging progam. OKUKORA KWAITU Tle welagombe elopahainewo kwirmutsya emu gwabahingt sha hans Kiikubongyeramu amaan gokurwariza oRuCwekyereThws kw ebibira, cxweuna obwern nekanda kad kyaburo, 

EBIGYENDERERWA BYAITU CmuETanisa enfunguks yeni notcendeza erioresa yank namakara. PREFACE The Tit Valges What wa creaie Working together to fight AIDS Tist Servants EBIRYOMUNDA Emilwarize mirungi yabahingi b'émil gira endagaano na guruupu aawe, Twakwatanies n'omubazl wemili ahabwotEssngus omu Tist Emitwarize ya Tis Okukorera hamwe kurwanisa 3, (EDITORIAL EHURIRE RYA MARCH 2012 EIHURIRE RYO KWEZ KWAKASHATU 2012 EDITORS MESSAGE: Last menih TIST UGANDA hostec a bear of verifiers! validators from Environmental Service Inc, who west io many groves in Kabale, Kanungu 2nd Busheryi and promizad to make another ip before this year ends. Thanks to those who recemed them at your groves. Plant moe mndigenots and ir rses and cane for them Wish your good life in the New Year, Ara. 

OBUTUMWA BWA EDITA: Cobayieizi ketene kuhweire TIST Uganda ekataayeayise abeshiaBumi Bamedl ya TEST abekiguemie “Environmental Service ine”. Bakashwijuma amahambea! ebitira bingi omuri Kahale, Karunge na Bushenyi kandi bakarepaaniss kuganika camwaka ou muiskahweire, Mnebane ahabahikize ahamumme quay. Mond, ame hutryars ernili ming yenzansa neyvebijzma kandi mugiresbeneregye, Ommwaka musya gubabeera horeese. Ara, Abashiijurd bemiti kuna aru * Enviromental Service Inc. hakaijz kushwiima burnarys ku TIST shyekora biraabe bin ebyamaz na kandi biukin, okinamiza abagura omwoya nu ebifugamba shamirimo yetibiing ebdye kubii ebihikire kand byamazima, ‘ Ebishushant ebyo nibyoreka sbobashwijum ba ESI, ceiluburata ahasmubur exiting CAAC. Charba Wiliams, ababazi bemifi nebebembezi ba TIST Ugenda taariya nibwera omuleshUme, nipagima chuhangs bwamiti noburamgea Kuriga ahamut kuza ehagundl. Exindi nikyoreks enyelesrans hamwe righahingi Mituzima ababrexi bem, babazi heayo ebebembezi ba TEST nebainire omwete 

TIST ahabwomujinyal omuzimbwe ogwabaasiise ormurima ome kubwagye, Twaaba itegyersize rupots erstubaasisa kwikirizibwa kutandi kuguza omsoya omumng gurisehandiza kimwe, tushemarsire kiquerezarni nokukuratiza. ebitweosibwa nokutatarna mii yaitu omubwire bwemyeka 30, Twena tube abessigwa, sberukuhlinza, ahakukora kyo kyenying, ihwarans nkohuburi jars bya bagvena bedi, Emikorera ya TIST minmgi nivo ndugidrn yo kulubaasisa kuguza omwoya tukatirge enshag kumars emyake ming. MARCHMIZMNEWSLETTER. A Small Group Best Practice ~ Develop a Covenant for Your Small Group When a Small Group joins TIST, they agree to follow the rukes and values of TIST. They agree to be Honest, Accurate, Mutually Accountable, Transparent, and Servants to each other. They promise to maintain the frees {he plant for TIST for at least 30 years before harvesting them. 

However, because Small Groups must work together fora long time, each TIST Small Group should also have a covenant that they have agreed upon that shows ow they will work together and treat cach other, Developing and living by a covenant is an important element in the life of any Small Group. To develop ‘Covenant, the members of each Small Group should discuss and agres on a ist of -roup values, expectations and behaviors. Ii 15 very imporiant that the musdelines of The covenant be agreed upon and understood by everyone in the group. The group should then agree to hold themselves accountable to cach other to live in community shading by the covenant they have developed. The whole group must gencrate the Govenant. not one of two people. It should reflect openness, acceplancs, accountability, confidentiality, and fellowship. For many groups, prayer may be important as well, 

The covenant should be specific, and make clear the logistics: of attendance, leadership, and place, time and frequency of mesting. It can outline gozls of the group. Each group's covenant will be unique fo that group anid will contain what the members of the proup think are most important for the spiritual and working life of the group. ft works best to agree on the basic guidelines of the covenant af the first or second mesting of the Group. If your Small Group has been meeting and doesn't have a covenant yet, don’t worry, Now is & good time to create une! Covenants arc based on love and loyalty and ony work if all parizes seck to live hy the covenant guidelines. Having a covenant and abiding by it creates trust, openness and safety within the group. An important part of a Small Groop’s covenant 1s confidentiality. In order for the group to be a sale place, there must be agreement on confidentiality. 

Mothing that is shared within the group should be discussed with anyone outside the group without the agreement of all in the group. People will then fer confident to be more open and honest about their stroggles and accomplishments in their lives. Sarah. Partner with your quantifier for success in TIST! Quantifiers are well known among groups. For anyone who does not know about them, a Quantifierisa Servant Leader from TIST who counts and measures trees planted for TIST and records other data to help us understand the results we are achieving and how to make TIST better. They use Paim Pilots and GPS units io quantify the trees. GPS units ane * important for taking the location of the groves, and Palms are essential for recording data from the grove, and counts and measures of seedlings and trees, [tis important for quantifiers to take the location of cach grove accurately every visit This will ensure i correct reading and well orpanieed data that is required for successful sale of carbon stored by the trees on the global carbon market.

 The location helps us to know exactly whirs we may find your prove, That way, anywhere in the world, people can see the results vou have accomplished and know that results reported are accurale and transparent. The GPS is taking the location directly from a satellite in space fo identify the coordinates of the group's grove boundaries as well a4 The fompitude and latitude coordinates. The quantifier will walk around the boundary of the grove where you have planted or plan to plant your TIST trees. Tthelps ensure data is accurate if you walk with the Cheantifier to show him or her comect boundaries snd answer questions accurately and honesty. — is i Ouantifiers take 2 GPS reading for the location before they enter your tee data. Please make sure your grove is clean from weeds. [fyou keep it clean, itwill be easy for Quantifiers to count yore trees and gel an accurate count. This algo: helps FOUL Tees grow beer! Tt iz important that vou plan your trees with geod spacimg so they can grow wall. This alsa will help the Quantifier der hig oc her job accurately. 

Itis casior for Quantfiers if you plans wees in strareht nes, bot vou should plant tse trees in the way that best suits your needs. In Kenya, many TIST farmers’ plant find trees or wind break trees near their komes, They may plant a small woanilot nearby for gathering firewood from branches and fhinming easily. You may plant along contours to reduce erosion, of in’ your <rop fields with fertilizer trees. If vou are plantinz ina plantation, it makes work sasier for fhe Quarrifier if vou plant trees in srraight lines with trees of 4 Species together in a line. His a good practice to alternate species from line to line (for cxample, with stinkwood in ope line amd mango trees in the nex line). This will make the work of counting trees cosy, while having multiple species means Me grove Bn’ tas much at risk from a disease or pest. By following these guidelines, youcan havea good grove and help quantifiers serve you better! Edward Twesigye Quan tificr Bushenyi. THE TIST VALLES Tar begin, we wait fo resnind vou about ihe TIST Viduwes. They are the {foundation and heart of the TIST Program. Without them, the program and Lhe woork that wee do will not thrive.

 Understanding TIST values will help ll the TIST participants have a better understanding of) Who we ane, how wi do things teef other people can sew; What we do and What we Create, This i ow we Can contribute to the wellbemg of our famihes and oor communities and io sustainability the TIST program: Wire We Are [We are hoaeat Zp We ane accurals, 3) We are transparent 4} We are servants to each other. 3) We are muteally accountable to cach ather. How We Do Things that other peaple ca es 1) We are volunigers. 23 We do the work ourselves 1m Small Ciroups 33 Wa develop and use best practices of) We nse oar higaed and hands. What We Do L We plant a variety of trees for the [azg—terem. 2) We Tired wiry 10 imipeove our health, 3) We practice Conservation Farming. 4) We do other projects and busincsses. 3) We zell carbon credits. 6) We use energy saving cook stoves ‘What We {"reate. This ix different from what we do. When we have (hese values and a5 we live and do basaness the way on Projects,

 we creade something sat was not there before. These include: 1} We create Team Work—by doing things this way; we end vp working like a tearm. 2} We create Capacity—we create organization, strength, aod a system that 15 strong. 3) We create Enjoyment-—we see results, we sccomplish big things and enjoy this achievement and success, 4) We create Big Resule— Bio results in planting reas Big Tests in Conservation Fapmming and Irom other projects and Msiness that we do, 5} We create Low Administrative costs, yet we nohieve hip results, Let's look at some examples of how living fhe TIST values help us succeed. Imagine that you know that a member of your group plans ta cul their TIST trees despite the promise tokeep them for 30 years: Your group receives payment for the trees, When auditors come to the grove, howeves, they find that thers are no trees when we reported that there were thousands! They don’t believe TISTs data. They Believe we are not honest or accurate, and donot want to do business with us, TIST cannot sell carbon offsets and so fails. Formers whe sre honest suffer. Con you see how important honesty, accuracy, and mutual accountability are to TIST? if you know Fis, and hide it, 1 ares everyone in TIST in Uganda and around the wield Imagine, instead, (hat ion Serial] Group piers week Ty, amd covenants to plant S000 trees on each member's farm this wear. You eats a schedule and plan, perhaps sharing work dora group purser: and lo prepare land for tree planting, taking wms on wach farm. You Seep your word teach other, ami have a successful planting season. Cine member sees anether member has ned prepared boles even tholgh ne fur planting is comming nea. She asks the member, and lems that the member Tas been tending a sick child and fallen wehind. 

She works with other group members to help this member prepare hs land: The entire. group benefits when they qualify for tres payment. Whit kind of group $0 you want to Te? Hove can living boy the TIST values i help vou ciitzond? If {here are things that are confusing or that you de not understand aban the TIST Values, please ask questions wo we can serve you better. IT you have stories of how TIST valees have helped you and your group succeeds, please share with your trainer 50 thal wi can share with others in the newsletter! Enoch Tunweluze. TIST Training Coordinator WORKING TOGETHER TO FIGHT ADS ATE oh ATDS A mention of you, scares me SHEE Out of darkocss, you have swept mamkind From north to south, from cast io west AIDS, wh AIDS do you have mercy? Chur parent, you have spared nol Cir sister, brother, you have destroyed Children ane left orphans, yel pou seem undeterned. hen are left widowers, women arc widows AIDS, oh ATDS do you have mercy? We must stand together, lo conguer ALLS, Our hope is farthi-iness (Our hope is abstinence Cnr Rope 1% caring, loving orphans, widows and widowers ADS. oh AIDE do vou have mercy T Let iswork together and fight against this killer disease! Mirumngi David. Quantifier Bushenyi. TISTSERVANTS The most important people in TIST are the Small Group members, whi rake everyihing TIST does possible. Ta sake sure that the Small Groups arc suecesshil, there arc also people who pct ag servants ta the small grodps. 

There is 2 team of committed servants in the TIST office and to complement them, there arc ems of Quantificrs. These people are organized to make gure thal information is shared efficiently using the fewest possible 4 pesoyrecs used for administration so the greatest possible amount of the TIST resources can go directly fo the Small Groups. Creantiflers are responsible for serving the TIST Small Groups by recording their tree growing efforts and other Ti5T work they are doing, They alse hiclp share information on TIST policies and best practices. They take detailed measurements of all the smell groups’ plots, The Tocation of the plots, the number of trees that have been planted ariel how inseh they are growing are all recorded with ‘other ‘important Tri Fermin. 

This data is then carried back to the TIST office in the Cruantifiers” special Palm contputers. The dita is ther pit on the miemet so people all around the world can sce what excl Small Group is doing and he arming your work is. There are gven photos of your trees and sordlings ard of Smal] Group members sor people can really tee’ what you are doing. This is very exciting for many peopla! Michael Nuwagira Quantifier Bushenyl