TIST Uganda Newsletter - September 2008

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TIST Uganda Amakuru ga September 2008

Thus trees M7 wupuamms pw
srukutandibivo shu [1%
the Imierman
Trea Ian

§ Manckwma basin:

13 HM kudvara


wha crear sin
mak om

ses enh

vhucen ders

Frbaynrme yam

TEST Uganda
Kosta (Lil
Fan Riew 73

Ugemnln, Fast Afr

shea Tir

Sully 1 re

Frilpraban sits ong,

Welt wow, Dist. [rg


#  Okubyara mili
+= Ehkilshemorsita kubyarisa amili |
= ba oki Onkinangs

a Carl gw amagana

= Turyakira Tres planting grown
+  [Chikorea bya TIST

Es I] Hanungie

Tree: Planting

Why Plant nas?

Do youd knew his?

A fea tor lite

Turyakia ree planting group
TIST Vives

Karmngu Maws





rn ekyobulanepwn whi Fuhanos virberrehs obeurindi
Thangs kyarcha enteckaccka ve

ekitniiza bye coils

la myemmini ckwariiee hare tevoicka gve


Mirvwije mibwataoise torinds choline Beomuns evituwiresmn.

Fatube alwsigwa aha moka Fodhanga kandi
turikugsarira ebwvobuhanzws  clwasisikaire ruriku

aha lwveity alae

a emit kandi

a torikuringda crwezo omuomaraka wait.

Ekyo nikyo kvaresivs ekibiina kya 1157 como Ulgand
ie chub bekiliing Bya TIST

ckitiini=a Kya

| WIHTA OT ugisha
dn ekimaririve
ro kad


Lugmairnraheg Boulwan

vrekewr zag

waiter kirikural


mn ormieak

owen emmumnataka nokugrarara ef
Tabwsrkubaara emir
Ara Baanvanga,


A TIET Ugonde Futdicetion

Supshembar 2008


Bwanvima vokumara akaire kareingwa ababazi
hatarive batarivo nihetengwa elvireru amurim
sukarandika busva.

e  Ehibiina chyabaire bya bycire emit
Jshemesa emisici yaaho nokuguma
nibongyera kubiara endijo eniti.

s  Ahabaire batakabyaire hatandikve kubyara.

e  Ababaire batakeehandiikiise behandikise
hari kwiha empapura zokwehandibaha owa
Charles Rwamunahe.

Ahahisgt ha Buen hatnichern emp hemi

Babvarc mii kif
¢  [Fycbijuma
+ Evemibazi

+ Eyembahe
+ Evolmeombekyes n'kuzitira
+»  Byehibunda

Erikurebelvesgve omwanys

5 Pyorwezo nendije ming

Bagilware hah?

e  Cvmumbau zemihanda

s  Olbwerooeoora exhambamnari pitaka mwe
+ Cwoumbagn

e  mukibira ekyorarikubingam chyuokumya
&  Aharoyanya emibi

o  Olowel Oorone cToisif

Abakury Onrkibiing kya TIST nilaija kwongyees
Lutaaysys omni Kannmge srrabires Baya ula bagire
ehibagamba ahakomndika busy akubara emi.

ee ——— TT —_—— ——

2 TI5T Uganda Publication

English version of TIST News


Benefits of 1eces

(3 cresis 2:15 Cron alleaval Adam and Ewe wo live in
Eden where ir is described as, loving all trees
necessary for life Lafe of human Tings animals and
trees them selves, God porous ina Eden
(Settlementad with spacious trees. 1 laws we prserved
these trees? Are we kind to trees?
1s ir casy Tor ws to plant and preserve pres! 10 not
Let eur Eden start with TIST trees.
110 we hie land emwngh on which ro plane tries! Wes
a Dlanring growes om big band
uo Flamung slong the paths Lo wales wells, ti
er Pasting around (nr portions a Tamu
a Plante atonnd our animal farms
or Planting on the compound
wo Planting peesible {raic trees in the anama
go Tlamting lepnminets tres lines across our

What are the benefins!

e Trees cower proteers awe lal from water amd
winad erosion

o Trees provide shusle amd sheleer wo pephe, annals
and ETeap™

e  lrocs imprewe wir quality bey carrying away
carhonddiemide and provide swepgen

Runt: help water to enter the sual and unprove
umcderrround waters circularion

Trees reduce evaporation

o Tree rors bind soil aml stop soil erosion

Trees preside medicine, Fuel wend ans fod


Trees make habitat Fer animals, birds ard insects.
® When noture tress provide us wifi
s  Cemsrruction materials

= [ilu

a Timber



Can we plang fron res!
[1ST encourages planting of foie recs,

“Geptember 2008
Flow can we preserve our existing trees?

= Ensourage our leaders to prose all recs existing
* Plans moee to supe the ones in place
"Ase bes wicking methods which rake fe
fuel wind such as improved co

Tk REE RN oi

Forres ms lite ler us all join hands in reviving oir
dest rowed Cden.


Trees are of a great importance so hinan berimgs in
their ay to day living. And even from the fir day,
Cid created plants and man. Look arsund ven and
Your pesiclence if youn deen’ see erecs anon your think

Ler's leak why we should plant trees miphe from rhe
[reining of the world;

ETrees give glory we Gods In Genesis 121117 Gil
commanded “Let's arth produce planes of all kinds
at he saw” So
every person whe wishes mo please God and pve him
sory shold plant erees.

tinchmdieg treesh God wes pleased of

Ched hirnsell sas the first wo plane trees. Cenisis 1:0

I Chm] made all Linas of beaurilil trees orca ad
produce good drt We peed to follie God's
example ne plant trees 10 bie rood fies and have
need woe Tras and feed them wo cur children, se

thar they can be wize.

krwnwledpe to kre what is acind wend what is

3 Trees sve people from longer: Mathew 2118 19

“esas wis hungry”. When he was mary wen 1 seek
fenits ea curls shown his hooper firsr om trees
Therefore when planting trees we should ear in mind
tov plan trees thar Tear bros. Tow many tines lone
your glesired ro

draies! Therelorne plant rrees.

4, Trees pride we with micdicine [LN Moringa, Mem,
Mulsirizi, Cmureammbirmbe.

5 Trees act as habitar for animals and inser

sales of tee

fr. Trios prncide vs wwwane throngl

produces like fries, medicinal leaves ag



M: A tre am su valuable and Precis oo vin

prod Boman beings Ger withous me it would be
a ronal desaszer and yon would live like you are in

Furmace, Wyon wrader eseimane my air colin

worn need he have a visi tothe Saban amd veo will

regrd me so highly pangs don't ler me live,

Kovsr prapil whose oll fie come fram ree imomines

Tr is oy less and wwigs thas fall off tne and rot on the
pround ro provide more nore to the soil in which
VOL ren crops to satisly vour hunger. So precios |


[am so glad ar impresing climatic conditions fee ir is
the vapour our of me that is condensed to provide
rainfall and vou will believe me thar chere i no lite

with cin water. If it is mol there it is ner worth living.

0h how precions Tam where would vou Tee if for onee
to emit the eoevgen wand all living things

[ decided nn

wold die.

Tabor’ zap ar Fusing wo precios ue vio burma Beige
POET DO Yo 10% animals wl Tien LIL mY [ean w= lor Lee
and wou all the Binds inthe air for aod wield wou
pret be smed Rave yvonne ests

am so precious amd aluable mw immeasurable

stanzlands, Sov onan kad spares me rom vor aes amd


Plant me in Large numbers for Lowill sever stop
rendering 4

pny support Tor as beg as von desine ro

li canny weakly


A TIST Uganda Publication

September zo08

(5 cree] the earth, all he eresilires and planes
in their nacural Set up.

Man bas dismoebed namie Ty otrving we couse
dlEst rockon.

This iz the right rime to work hard to have whan to ear

aval dink otherwise we ane starving.

Why di [aay this?

| ask TEST members (503) to plant trees to enable
these coming in future te reap che tight harvesz, Shall
we wel benefits wither caring for our groves anal
develop senze ot aamnership?

Accnapentilien, lind oeoy people don't care for thes
aroves and doe not know thar che trees belong to chem,
With Tand which Bas los feniling, planting miu=r he
fallen by pron] wire.

Many growes ane under lash, Remember eee planring
is like planting vther crops, IF frees are ust cared lor
they will nor pros well.

My advice to 5G is that vou have oo clear bushes on
and arcnind rhe groves.

SO members who say that quantiliers come Go see
TIST trees should change their atdrode and develop
the HRN wl’ owenership, aural when liarvest ine LENIN
they reap much

Plann trees, oun of ree wel Peand, meelicive, shade,
clean envionment and income,

Marr many ress, when harvest time comes, hanest a




lis S07 started in 2005 with § members They

bean with Mursery beds formation which was
vornpwsed of: Pinus parla ewealypros and fein rrees.
Then sume Tees were planted rn Lheer amen pardons, les
2006 they heard abour program knen as TIST
Ulgarada, in was their wish te join it as ir bad wisn
phiectives. They asked one of the TIST workers known
az quantifier Mrs, Jennifer Tumushalb< how they could
pin IST.
Later vn as they had known the objectives and TIST
values they saw ir pood and repisrered on

A TIST Uganda Publication

145720060 They kepr heir effores of planting erees of
pins a Tula eugitlypius amd Alnisas,

Ser far this Sep 2008, they have sramed roo graft
Avocados for planting in their gardens.

They premise oo work regether wich TIST Usanda for
eowirommentl protection ax they connmee pling
trees and minding their groves well. Manting fruit trees
Fert purriricny i= essenrial wo their families

Folly uanasitior

TIST Values

Wha We Are

I We are honest,

2h OW are ace LE.

30 We are transparent

40 Wie are servanes ro each other,

S10 We are mestaally acvonmrable ro esc cif,
Hume We 1h Things that caher people can see

1 We are walunmeers.

21 We ado the work cnrselves we small wrens
3 We develop and use bose practices

A) We vee cnn Beds ane Tied s,

What We Dao

10 We plant a variety of trees for the lope term.
20 We fined sways ro impeese our heal,

3 We practice Consenation Farnung.

2% We do other projects and businesses,

ab Woe sell carb credits.

What We Creaee

13 Whe create Team Work Ly lotr things this
wary we end up working like a team,

20 We create Llapacity owe create srganizagion,
strength, and a system cha is strong.

3 We crmite Enjoyimeni—we see resis, wie

acevmplish big things chat we enjoy

September 20:08
We creme Bie Besulta—Big re
trees, Big read

dts in planting
ings ard

nL mEerarion |


A rhe projects and business thar we ler
Sb OWoe crear Tame Addin

achieve bis reanles,

WEI TEIVE Loss, vl we

Wier ardiike rweahieifwes;



he tollonwing:

er somerime Kanungy TST Chimsifiers resi

needed sa as ro enable


FOI resi,

*  Extstiog Small Croup members:

= Clean ard improve the proses
* Continue ail lan mre res

riser with {hale

unahe and stare planning,
Wha specics!

*  Frogie rrees
Medicina] recs

*  Timbwr rio;

* Trees for Construcrion
* Shade trees

*  Clrmamental 1 Tees


Trees which improve the soi]

A TST Ugemdo Pubdicofion

Plant where?


ir Kanone sean to assess the sins

Alvin the pars oad sides
Arovrend your bind

Ln the CLI
Ln big Bina as prone



Bowral vou gander ples

Ch Barren land.

from TIST Office: wil be visiting SU farmers

snarl ake

SORES on anni noanion reser.

TERETE nese Cie rman ara

—_— M— —_—

Septaemiver 2008