TIST Uganda Newsletter - September 2021

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The International Small Group and Tree Planting Program

During Planting Season and Farmers are taking seedlings for Planting.
During Cluster Meeting and Signing Vouchers by Farmers.
Seedlings in Nurserybed ready for planting

The TREE is a monthly newsletter Published by TIST Uganda, a project area of The International Small Group and Tree Planting Program. 


TIST Uganda is a community initiative dedicated to empowering small groups of subsistence farmers to combat the devastating effects of deforestation, poverty and drought. 


Combining sustainable development with carbon sequestration,TIST supports the reforestation efforts of over 25,000 subsistence farmers. Sales of carbon credits generate participant income while TIST today also addresses Agriculture, HIV/AIDS, Nutrition and Fuel Wood challenges. 


TIST Uganda. Katungu Hill, Bushenyi Town, P.O. Box 232, Bushenyi, Uganda, East Africa. Website: www.tist.org, info@i4ei.org

TIST cluster servants and leaders after a 2 days training in Kampala







This newsletter has been traslated into different languages; 







PRUNNING: Pruning enables penetration of light from the sun which is required for photosynthesis through which food for the trees is made. It also eliminates groove pests like rats which may hinder tree growth if not leading to total tree destruction. Pruning provides space thus providing room for the growth of young trees. 

THINNING: Thinning in a grove has various advantages among which are ensuring a required tree size due to light penetration, Reducing competition for soil nutrients thus providing better growing abilities and providing enough space that can ease detection of pests or allow young trees to come into contact with sunlight. carbondioxide is used by the grove thus provision of carbon free air. 

TREE REPLACEMENT: This should be done to the tree that dies so that all Grove’s trees to grow 

CREATING A FIRE LINE: It is done for emergency in case of outbreak of grove fires, these fires are common in dry areas and always locate their origin from the grove’s environment.as an added advantage, a fire line limits contact between the grove and the environment thus slowing or reducing the spread of grove related diseases. In addition, 

MULCHING: Can be done especially to the young grove .the mulches hold water as reserve in preparation to dry conditions. After decay, mulches also provide manure which may hold required nutrients for the grove 

By Chris –Cluster Servant –Rugyeyo ClusterKanungu 


These are trees that bear fruits of which are eaten by people. Trees have many uses of which we get medicine and we get timber when trees mature to 30 years and more. We get fruits like oranges, mangoes, ovacado, jack fruit that have enabled us reform our bodies too. There’s what we call saving life by promoting more and more trees and have promoted healthy life among TIST farmers and the community too. 

By Caleb-Cluster Servant Bugangari -Rukungiri 


Planting trees is one of the most important things you can do to save the environment. Even people living in big cities can play a vital role in greening their environment. Here are some of the simple, cost effective way by which you can plant a tree, and do your little bit to green your world: 1- If you have a big enough garden, plant trees for they can cool your homes considerably. 2-Select appropriate plants to suit your garden and the climatic conditions. Your local nursery society can help you. 3-If your garden is too small for trees, have plants and creepers instead. Every green plant helps to reduce the carbon dioxide we are letting out in to the atmosphere. 4-If your garden lacks Water for gardening, plant drought resistant plants like flowering shrubs etc. 5-Compost your leaf waste to avoid use of chemical fertilizers. 6-Make saving trees a personal commitment.....Conserve trees, save nature. Follow all the directives given by the Government and ministry of health. Stay safe during this pandemic. 

By OKELLO FRANCIS –Cluster Servant –Gwendyia Cluster – GULU 


M• Clear your plot out of weed and bushes, do not plough. 

• Prepare your holes rectangle shape and spacing between 15 cm wide, 35cm, long and 15cm deep, Space holes at least 75cm apart. 

• Take some manure and good topsoil and mix it together, use compost manure fill the hole with the mixture up to 5cm from the surface. 

• When you plant the maize seeds 1-2 days before rains start, plant 4 seeds in the soil across the hole. 

• Cover the seeds with 2-5cm of the rich soil and manure mixture, after this the soil in the hole should be about 3.5 cm below the surface of the field. 

• The space at the top of the hole enables water to get to the plants when the rain comes. 

• Weed around the holes regularly. 

• Do not use chemical fertilizer on the Conservation Farming plot. 

• Do not till the land, just clear the weed and make the hole. 

• Do not burn of the remains on the plot, leave the residue leave them on the ground so that they make the soil more fertile, crop residues can also be used for compost manure. Do not weed the entire plot completely, just weed around the holes. Start to prepare your holes now and be ready for the rain! 

By Milian-Cluster Servant Katerera


OKUSHARIRA. Eki nikihwera ekyererezi kyeizooba ekihwera omukukora ekyokurya ky’emisiri kutaaha omumiti. Okusharira nikihwera ebiririzi by’emiti nkembeba butataaha omumusiri gwawe gukakura kubi nari kugushiisha. Nikihwera emiti emito kukura gye. 

OKWITIRA. Okwitira omusiri kwine emigasho mingi nk’o buhango bw’emiti ogu orikwenda ahabwekyererezi kyeizooba. Nikikyendeeza okuhayahayanira ekiriisa omwitaka, reeru emiti kukura gye, obutariibwa ebikooko, nekyererezi kyeizooba omumiti kandi kihwera emiti emito kukura gye. Nikireetera orwoya rwa kaboni kuba rwingi omumiti kuruga omu mwanya. 

OKUBUBUUZA. Eki nikirwa orikubyara emiti endiijo ahabw’emiti egyo efiire omumusiri, kugira ngu emiti yoona ekuregye. 


Eki nikihwera emiriro erikuruga omubishaka ebyetoroire emisiri butatahirira emisiri y’emiti ekasya ekahwaho. Obuguuto obu nibukora nk’orusharasharo rw’emiti hamwe nebishaka ebyetoroire emisiri yaawe. Obuguuto obu nibuceendeeza ahandwara ezirikukwata emiti. TIST UGANDA AKATABO KOKWAMWENDA 2021 TIST UGANDA RUNYAKORE 

OKWARIRA. Okwarira nikuhwera emiti emito. Omwariro kugurikujunda amaizi omwitaka gahwera emiti omukyanda. Omwariro kugurikujunda gukora orwezo ruhwera emiti omumisiri. 

Nebya Chris – Cluster servant – Rugyeyo Kanungu. 


Emiti egi nitwihamu emibazi hamwe nembaaho yaaheza kuhistya emyama 30 na. Nitutungamu ebijuma nka emicungwa, emiyembe, vakedo, fene ebirikuhwera emibiri yaitu. Nituhinga emiti mingi omu TIST kwenda kurinda amagara gaitu. Nebya Caleb – Cluster servant, Bugangari Rukungiri. OKUBYARA EMITI NIKIHWERA EBYOBUHANGWA Okubyara emiti nikihwera ebyobuhangwa. Abantu abrikutuura omundembo empango nabo nibabaasa kureetera emyanya yaabo yaaba eya kinyansi. Ogu nigwemuringo gworikubaasa kurabiramu kukora eki; - Waaba oine eitaka rihango, byara emiti mingi kubobeeza eka yaawe. 

- Kyooka embibo zemiti erikwizira omumusiri gwawe. Abataka nibabaasa kukuhwera omu kugibendeeka. 

- Waaba oine akataka kaye byara ebimera nk’ebirkutembera ahari bitaahi byabyo. Buri kimera kyona nikinyuunyuuta orwoya rwa kaboni. 

- Omusiri gwawe gwaba gutaine maize, byara emiti erikugumira ekyanda nkebishaka ebirikuteera ebirabyo. 

- Gira amababi agarikuragarika ogakoremu kasasiro kwerinda kukoresa eyekijungu. 

- Okubyara emiti kikuze ahamutima. Kuratira ebiragiro bya gavumenta nekitongore kyebyamagara. Mugume muhurire omu COVID-19 Nebya Okello Francis – Cluster servant, Gwendyia Gulu. ENKURATANISA Y’OKUHINGIRA OKURINDA ORWEZO OMWITAKA. - Kuba ekishaka kyawe, oihemu omwata nebishaka, otatabira. 

- Timba ebiina bitereire oburaingwa bwa 15cm, obugazi bwa 35cm reero okuzimu 15cm. sigaho oburingwa bwa 75cm kuruga ahakiina kuza ahakindi.

Gira kasasiro ogijwanzye neitaka eryahamutwe, namunonga kasasiro eyoyekoreire, ogijuze omu kiina nka centimita 15 omukiina. - Siga ebicoori 4 omukiina kimwe ekiro 1 nari 2 enjura zitakagwire. 

- Shweka ensigo zaawe neitaka eririmu orwezo haihi 2-5cm kandi okuzimu ensigo zibe ziri omu 3.5 omwitaka. 

- Omwanya ogu waasigaho niguhwera amaizi kuhika ensigo zaawe enjura yaagwa. 

- Yomberera ensigo zaawe butoosha. 

- Otarikukoresa orwezo orw’omumaduuka. 

- Otatabira eitaka, kureka bireke bi kore orwezo rwongyere omu musiri gwawe. 

- Otombera omusiri gwona, kureka yombera buri kiina kyonka. 

- Tandika kutimba ebiina byawe hati otegyereze enjura. 

Nebya Milton Cluster servant Katerera

AIDARIO NA IKITO KEDE AJOKIS KE AIGWER: Aigwer ikito ingarakini ka nu acamakin aica na elomunit akolong ka nu aipelonor toma okito . Aica na ejok noi ka nu aingarakin ikito oipone lo aisub ikec nyamat. Elemanari da bobo itiang ka ikur ngun lu emunamunaete ikito kwape nat imirio lu epedorete aisimik apol na ikito na ajokan koyauni atwaniar toma okito .Aigwer da na enyauni apak kotoma okito na isipedori ikito lu didik da apol ejok. 

ARUTONOR: Arutonor na ikito lu etukokina erai ibore yen ejok noi narai einakini ikito aburor ejok noi kitoni adoketait na ibusakinit ka acamakin aica na edolit ajaun toma okito, Itidisiari da amaria akipi kede inyamat kotoma alupok ka ne eja ikito apolokec oinkini ikito apol ejok ked apak na elal na isipedori ijo aanyun ka ajenun ebe alomasi itiang arai bon at ikur toma okito kon , kede da acamakin ikito lu eroko edisiak da adumun aica na edolit na isipedori kesi apol ejok . Itosomanarete ikito lu ekwam ngon loka carbondioxide ka nu ainakin ooni ekwam ngon lo ajokan lo iyenganari ooni 

AIBUR: Ejok aburonikin ikito ngun lu etwakete narai einakini ikito kere apoloun ejok korasi da nu ibusiak noi. 


Erai yen ibore yen ibusakinit aiswamaun ka nu ayuwaritor ikito ka ne ejai akim na epedori alomun edio sawa kere . Erasi nu akimian nu idilasi apakio nu akamu nu ecaya akolong noi kiswapite akwap. I ngarakini da aitacaun ikoruon lu ikito na itidisiari adekasinei nu epedorete asurokin ikito kolomunito koidunyeta. 


Ejok aipetpet anya misiri, noi noi ne jaikito lu didik narai ingarakini aidar alilim ked akipi lu ingarakinete ikito ngun apoloun ejok karaida ejaun aica na iriikina. Kebosiasi anya nu eraunos ebolia lo ingarakini ikito apol ejok. TIST Uganda kobusi Ewadikan : Chris – Ejaanakinan aibunget na Rugyeyo Kanungu

ERAASI IKITO LU ARAITO LU AMEDA NOI KA NE JA AKORIOK LUKA TIST. Ikito lu araito ingarakinitos itunga kowai lo ainyam araito nu . Ejaasi ikito kede ajokisio nu ipu noi nu imoriarito ikee kede abaoi nu ipedori ooni adumumarai edautu ikito ikaru lu edolete 30 ka adepar. Kidumuni ooni araito lu imoriaritos , emucuga, emiebei, avocado, epeneesi ka ice nu engarakisi wok awate kotoma angaleu. Nu ngesi ibalar ebe ingarakinitos ikito aisinyikoikinit angaleu ka ne ja akoriok luko TIST ka atutubena wok da Ewadikan: Caleb- Ejaanakinan aibunget – Bugangari – Rukungiri.


ENDABIRIRA YE NIMIRO YE MITTI NE BIRUNGI BYAGYO. OKUSALIRA: Okusalira kuyamba e kitangara kyenjuba okutuka kubirime mwebifunira ekirisa. Kiyamba mukukendeza kubiteteganya emittti ne birime ebirala nga emeese eziyiinza okukosa omutti okula obulungi oba ne mukutirawo ddala omutti. Okusalira kuwa amabanga okuyamba emitti emito okula obulungi. OKUJAMU EMITTI EGITETAGISA MUNIMIRO: Kino kirina emigaso egyenjawulo nga okulaba nga osigaza obugazi bwo mutti ogwetagibwa nga ekitangala kyo`musana kiyingira bulungi. Okukendeza mukuvuganya kwebirisa okuva muttaka awo nekiyamba emitti okukula obulungi ne mukufuna amabanga agetagisa nga wewonya ku busolo nga emeese era nga emitti egikyali emitto gifuna bulungi

ekitangala. Omukka gwa carbondioxide ne gukozesebwa enimiro awo ne tufuna empewo enungi. OKUZAMU: okuzamu omutti oguba gufudde oba ogukaze. Kino kiyamba nti emitti gyona egyomunimiro eyo gikula. OKUKOLA OLUSALOSALO LWOMUNIMIRO: Kino kiyamba kubigwa bitaraze nga omuliro gukute munimiro. Kino kitera okubawo okusingila ddala mubitundu ebirimu ekyeya. Ogutera okulaga gyeguva okusingira ddala mu bitundu ebyetolode enimiro. Olusalosalo luno luyamba mukukendeza omuliro bweguba gukutte okuva mu kitundu ekyetolode enimiro ne mundwadde eziyiinza okugwawo nga ziyingira enimiro. OKWALIRIRA ENIMIRO: Kisobola okoleb

wa okusingira ddala munimiro ekyali empya. Ebyaliriro bikwatta amazzi nga wetegekera ebisera ebyo musana. Nga bimaze okuvunda biyamba okukola ekigimusa munimiro. Bya: Chris – Cluster Servant E Rugyeyo – Kanungu District. EMITTI GYEBIBALA GYAMUGASO ERI BANA TIST IGino gye mitti egivako ebibala ebilibwa abantu. emitti girina emigaso mingi, Tufunamu eddagala, tufunako embawo nga omutti gukuze bulungi mwaka 30 no`kweyongerayo. Tufuna ebibara nga emicungwa, emiyembe, ovacado ne feene ebituyamba okutereza emibiri gyaffe. Waliwo egiyinza okuwonya obulamu era tukubiriza emitti mingi okusimbibwa abantu bona mu bitundu byaffe. Bya: Caleb – Cluster Servant Bugangari e Rukungiri. TIST UGANDA SEPTEMBER 2021 NEWSLETTER The International Small Group and Tree Planting Program 11 TIST UGANDA GWOKO POTI YEN KI BER PA GWOKO-GI Lwero jang yadi; lwero jang yadi konyo weko ginongo ceng muromo, weko gitiyo kwede me yubo cam-gi ma miyo gidongo oyot. Konyo bene ryemo anyai ki i poto. Miyo bene kare ki yen matino me dong. Tongo yadi magoro ki maraco; Man miyo kare ki yen mabeco me dongo maber. Weko yen pe laro cam kip ii. Weko kin yadi dong twolo. Pito yadi matoo dwoko-ne cen ; Man myero otime wek yadi opong poto maber. Poko wang mac; Man konyo ka mac mo opoto atura, weko pe balo yadi. Umu te yadi ki lum ki yugi; Man time ka yadi pud tino wek omii pii muromo ki yadi Man Chris latic me cluster- Rugyeyo me Kanungu YADI MA GICAMO NYIGI BER ME APITA Yadi magi miyo nyigi me acama bot dano makonyo yot kom pa dano- tutwale lutino. Gin bene girii naka-naka-oo wa I mwaka 30. Wanongo limun, muyeme, ovacado, mufeni ma konyo yot kom-wa Nyig yadi magi kelo cente I cing dano ka gicato. Man Caleb latic me cluster Bugangari me Rukungiri.

Small group meeting held in expansion area - Kiryandongo

TIST Uganda. Bushenyi Town, Liberation Road - Kitokye Lane P.O. Box 232, Bushenyi, Uganda, East Africa. Tel: 0772 058 868 / 0773 716960 / 0772360429 / 0783910878 Website: www.tist.org, info@i4ei.org