TIST Kenya Newsletter - April 2007

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TIST Kenya : Joshuah Irungu, Director of Administration 1 P.O. Box 1508,Nanyuki, 

KENYA Phone: +254-724-255-369 / Email : joshuah@tist.org ENGLISH KIMERU At Glance Kuuma Gataria ¾ Mahiga Action 

B Small Group – Kuthuranira ruuji rwa Mugwu amwe ni untu bwa urimi. ¾ Mahiga Action B Small Group: Harvesting Flood Water for Farming. ¾ Ubici ya Narumoro: Itugwikumiria Kuritira antu ba TIST ngugi ¾ Narumoro Office: We take pride in serving TIST community. ¾ Ubici ya kinyaritha gutambia baita ya TIST guntu gukweru. ¾ Kinyaritha Office spreads TIST benefits to new areas ¾ Ubici ya Chugu bakwona Mucore wa Ma “Mucore” mutine ¾ Chugu Office finds a true “friend’ in a Tree. ¾ Gakundi kaniini ka Tigithi Conservation: Baita yetu Mwanka nandi ¾ Tigithi Conservation Small Group: Our gains so far. ¾ 7 Ways To Better Manage Your Time. ¾ Njira 7 cia gukumbithia kubanga thaa ciaku bwega. MAHIGA ACTION B: HARVESTING FLOOD WATER FOR FARMING. MAHIGA ACTION B: KATHURANIA RUUJI RWA MUGWUU NIUNTU BWA URIMI Itumbite gucwa njira injru, turi gakundi kaniini ka Mahiga Action B,

 niuntu bwa uria gukari ta Rwanda. We, Mahiga Action B small group have come up with innovative ways of combating drought in our area which is a semi arid area. Itwinjite Dam iria itumbithagia kuthurania amwe ruuji rwa ngai ruria ruuraga kwaura Ruuji ruru Turwikaga tukeja kurutumira nyumene gukundia miti yetu na miti iria iri kiumithirione gwetu. We have constructed a dam that collects run away water during rainy season. This water is preserved and we later use it irrigate our trees and also water the seedlings. We are happy now that most of the trees we plant are able to survive harsh dry spells. We are thinking of ways we can make our pond habitable to fish so that we can start fish rearing. Itugwiritue niuntu miti yetu niumbaga gukura kinya kethirwa ikwithagirwa kwarite mono. Itukuthugania kinya njira iria tumba gutumira ta ruuji kuthithia biuga bia kurithiria makuyu. We have also learnt new best farming practiceConservation Farming – from TIST program. We are now practicing it for the first time and hope to increase our yields. Ituthomete njira injeru cia kurima ta cia urimi bubwega (Conservation farming) kuumania na uritani bwa TIST. Inandi twambiritie urimi bubu ria mbere na turi na wirigiiro bwa guketha

 mono. waara English: Water harvesting dam. Farmers in arid areas are tapping flood water during rainy seasons and later use during dry spells. Kimeru: Aria ruuji ruthuranitue amwe Arimi ba guku bothuranagia ruuji amwe rwa mugwu ngaine kenda barutumira k English: TIST field monitors inspecting tree nursery for Mahiga Action B small group during their field visit. Kimeru: Ariti ngugi ba TIST bakiraitha miti iria yumithitue ni gakundi kaniini ka mahiga Action B bari ndiungine ya Amemba 2 TIST Kenya : Joshuah Irungu, Director of Administration P.O. Box 1508,Nanyuki, KENYA Phone: +254-724-255-369 / Email : joshuah@tist.org UBICI YA NARUMORO GWIKUMIRIA KURITANA ANTU BA TIST NGUGI. NARUMORO OFFICE: WE TAKE PRIDE IN SERVING TIST COMMUNITY. We the Narumoro office have achieved exciting new goals during the month of April 2007. We take pride in serving the TIST community well especially the TIST participants. Batwi turi ubici ya Narumoro itumbite gukinya aria turendete mweri juju jwa April, 2007. Itugwikumiria ngugi iria turitirite baria bari kiri TIST mono baria bethagirwa bari uritanine bwa TIST. The in-house trainings conducted this month were both successful. Kiamahuri and Kahurura

 venues were well attended. Participants are very happy for being equipped well with core program components. Participants ware particularly grateful for being taught the economic, social and environmental benefits of planting trees. Conservation farming topic came at the right time when the farmers were preparing their shambas for the next season. Farmers were happy with this new farming method and were all eager to practice it. Those who had already practiced offered encouragement to others by sharing their comparative yields with the conventional farming. They said that conservation yields were doubled the yields from traditional farming. Quantification has been going smoothly and we commend the Quantifiers for their good efforts. We also have new Quantifiers, Leah and Simon. We have confidence with them that they are going to work hard. This office wishes them good luck, and promises to provide them with any assistance they may require from us. Recruitment and registration of new small groups is as well running smoothly. We continue to go to new areas and bring more people on board. Truly,

 TIST is making a difference. Uritani buria buthithite naja ibwombikire mono. Uritani buria buritani antu ba kiamahuri na kahurura bwari na antu babaingi mono. Baria bejire ibagwirirue mono niuntu bwa kuritanwa mantu ja TIST bagwirirue mono niuntu bwa uria bwonaga mbeca kumania na waandi bwa miti iria iri kithiurukone gietu. Uritani bwa urimi bubwega bwejire igita riongwa riria arimi bathuranagira miunda yao. Arimi ibagwirirue mono niuntu bwa uritani bubu bwa urimi bubweru. Baria bambite kugeria urimi bubu ibombire gwikira bangi mwoyo kuringana na maketha jaria bakethete. Ibakujire ati ibombire guketha mainda jairi nkuruki ya urimi bwa tene. English: Brwua 21: TIST small group tree nursery. Kimeru: Brwua 21:Miti ya gakundi kaniini iri kiumithirione

 Ibagucokeria Atari miti nkatho niuntu bwa wiru buria bari nabu. Bari na atari baberu, Leah na Simeoni. Bari na gwitikio bakarita ngugi bwega. Ibakubarombera barite ngugi bwega na bari tayari kubatethia uria bendekia. Gucwa ikundi bibieru na kubiandikithia ibwitite na mbere bwega. Tugeta na mbere gutamba guntu gukweru. Nama TIST niretete kugaruka. 3 TIST Kenya : Joshuah Irungu, Director of Administration P.O. Box 1508,Nanyuki, KENYA Phone: +254-724-255-369 / Email : joshuah@tist.org GAKUNDI KANIINI KA TIGITHI CONSERVATION: BAITA YETU MWANKA NANDI. TIGITHI CONSERVATION SMALL GROUP: OUR GAINS SO FAR. TIST AND DEVELOPMENT TIST NA MAENDELEO. TIST has come to our community TIST ikwija gwetu Not to bring us handouts Ti kubwa maratasi ja uritani But to give us knowledge Indi ikubwa uume And raise our living standards. Na gukiria miturire yetu. Through tree planting Kinya twanda miti We get incentives of carbon credits Itwonaga mbeca kumania na wendia We improve our weather condition too bwa ruugo And hence we get good rainfall Nitwejaga ruugo rurwega Na tukona ngai bwega. We have gained knowledge on conservation farming Itugite uume bwa urimi bubwega We now get more yields from our farms Twona maketha nkuruki miundene yetu And we can proudly lay a square meal daily Na itwonaga biakuria ntuku cionthe Through our efforts Kumania na wiru bwetu. Come all and join hands with us in TIST Ijeni bwinthe tugwatane njara turi kiri TIST To eradicate poverty and improve Twinge ukia

 tuthongomie our well being miturire yetu Let us say ‘No’ to relief food Tuuge “Ari” kiri irio biria tutethaguanabio TIST has enabled us to feed ourselves. TIST nitumbithitie kwirera twingwa. By Eunice Wambui. Mwandiki ni Eunice Wambui. 4 TIST Kenya : Joshuah Irungu, Director of Administration P.O. Box 1508,Nanyuki, KENYA Phone: +254-724-255-369 / Email : joshuah@tist.org UBICI YA KINYARITHA GUTAMBIA BAITA YA TIST GUNTU KUKWERU. KINYARITHA OFFICE SPREADS TIST BENEFITS TO NEW AREAS. Kinyaritha office is still expanding. We have Ubici ya Kinyaritha no itite na mbere gutamba. continued to go to new areas and spread TIST benefits to communities. Itwitite na mbere gutambia baita ya TIST kiri antu bangi. TIST farmers have increased their effort in planting trees. A case in point is MITI ni Mali small group which our Quantifiers recently counted 74,199 live trees!. This is a excellent job and the office has continued to train farmers on benefits of tree planting and particularly in regards to reducing carbon levels in the atmosphere where they earn income besides other benefits. Conservation Farming remains a success story. TIST farmers are now practicing it on their entire crop farms. For now, food security among the TIST community members in these has been addressed. Never again, people will depend on relief food! The TIST best practices that include rotational leadership blended with servant leadership has not only made the small groups to harmoniously conduct their activities but has greatly been replicated in community leadership where increased responsible, accountable leadership and governance has been experienced. People, in or out of the program, that have benefited with this topic have increasingly adapted better ways of managing conflicts in the society. It is a valuable practice. Arimi ibongerete wiru kiri waandi bwa miti. Ta gakundi kaniini ka MITI ni Mali karia gatarirwe miti 74,199. Iji ni ngugi injega ya ubici iji iria yumbite kuritana arimi baita ya kwaanda miti niuntu

 ninyiagia ruugo ruria ruthuku nthigurune na kubonera mbeca. Urimi bubwega nandi ni rugono rurwega ruria arimi ba TIST bakuthithia. Mwanka nandi arimi bari na irio bia kung’ana. Kuma nandi batitegemea irio bia gutethua nabio (relief food). English: TIST small group participants in local seminar at Kigucwa chief camp. Kigucwa is among the new areas our office is now servicing. Kimeru: Tukundi tuniini twa TIST turi seminene kambine ya chief wa kigucwa. Kigucwa ni guntu gukweru naria ubici yetu ikinyite. Njira injega cia TIST ta utongeria bwa kuthiuruka na bwa uthumba butitethetie mitire ya tukundi tuniini aki, indi ibutumite tumba kwirungamira na twithirwa turi na utongeria bwa weru. Kinya barioome ya ikundi ibombaga kuthiria mateta jao. Iji ni njira ya goro mono. 5 TIST Kenya : Joshuah Irungu, Director of Administration P.O. Box 1508,Nanyuki, KENYA Phone: +254-724-255-369 / Email : joshuah@tist.org Guntu kuria tumbite gukinya ni kigucwa, mulango, na igembe. Tugatuma guntu guku kweru gukura kinya ku. Areas that we have recently covered include Kigucwa, Mulango, and Igembe. We will make these new areas a true success as well. Atari ba miti bari ngugine yao rimwe ibetagiira guntu kwa kurigarania. Ta atari ba miti Jane na Josphine ibethiire gikurungu kimwe gia kurigarania mwitune. Gikurungu giki gitagwa ni antu

 ba no “Nyomba ya inya” Ni guntu gukuthongi, kuri na ukiri na ni antu a kirikana na antu ba nao baugaga ni antu atheru. Uthongi buria buri aja ugukiritie antu aja mono na atari baba aberite antu ba aja bete na mbere kumenyera mwitu. As Quantifiers travel far and wide during their quantification work, sometimes they came across marveling natural features. For instance, a pair of Quantifiers- Jane and Josephine, while quantifying a group near a certain forest, they were taken round a particular shrine/ cave that has been named by the local community as “ Power house’. It is a beautiful, quiet scenery with historical and spiritual significance that the local people regard as a holy place. The beauty of nature truly manifests here and the Quantifier encouraged them to continue preserving the forest. English: Mr. Peter Ndirangu, a TIST trainer during a local seminar at Mukono in Tigania East. Kimeru: Mr. Ndirangu, Muritani wa TIST ari seminene Mukono, Tigania ya Unotho 6 TIST Kenya : Joshuah Irungu, Director of Administration P.O. Box 1508,Nanyuki, KENYA Phone: +254-724-255-369 / Email : joshuah@tist.org CHUGU OFFICE FINDS A TRUE “FRIEND’ IN A TREE. UBICI YA CHUGU RUONETE MUCORE WA MA “MUCORE” ARI MUTINE. MY FRIEND – THE TREE. MUCORE WAKWA – MUTI My friend the tree Mucore wakwa muti A sure reminder of God’s provision for us. Kirikana kia ma kia Murungu kiri batwi And all His creation Na biumbe bionthe. A beautiful canopy you have. Gintu gikithongi gia kwithirwa turi nakio Your unseen roots are the means of Miri iria itionagwa niyo kigwatiro sustenance Withaga ukuru mwirine jwaku You hide your age within your body Ruugo rurutanaga na ngai igakuringa The wind blows and the rain beats upon you Na itwonaga uria winamaga And we hear you bend and sigh Ukijukagia uturo na inya Taking the strains of life Utamburukagia njara ciaku You stretch out of your arms

 Guntu kunthe iguru To the dome of the sky Ugetikiria baangi baaka nja kirigwe And you allow others to make a home with you Tugituju natu ruungu rwaku Rabbits burrow beneath you Minugu ikathithia ngati ya gwitia kirigwe Squirrels make a ladder Mucore wakwa muti, igwe gicitho okia mwoyo My friend tree, you are a refuge for life. Muti ni mucore The tree is a friend Amberekerete kana atimberekerete Direct and indirect provision Muunye, kithiiki, nku nwejanaga Shelter, shade, and firewood you provide Ruugo rutheru ruria tukucagia Clean air we breathe Uthongi bwaku nthiguru yetu You beautify our country Matunda na ndagwa nutuejaga Fruits and medicine you provide Kiumo kia ma kia mwoyo jwa muntu. A true source of life to mankind. English: Small group members assisting one of their members in harvesting her crops. Kimeru: Amemba ba gukundi kaniini bagitethia amemba bao guketha mpempe. 7 TIST Kenya : Joshuah Irungu, Director of Administration P.O. Box 1508,Nanyuki, KENYA Phone: +254-724-255-369 / Email : joshuah@tist.org NJIRA 7 CIA GUKUMBITHIA KUBANGA THAA CIAKU BWEGA 7 WAYS TO BETTER MANAGE YOUR TIME. Time is one of the most precious gift we have been given. God has given us time to learn, love, work, and have fun, and even to get healthier and wiser. Thaa ni kiegwa kimwe kia goro tuegi. Murungu atwete thaa cia kuthoma, kwendana, kurita ngugi, gutindania, kinya gwitongia na kugita uume. As you grow into a more complete individual, you realize how precious time is, and how important it is to use it to your advantage. Whether it is time to go to school and get the most out of it, to start a family, to give more to your existing family, or even to start a business, learning how to organize and manage your time is the best way to reach your goals and become more successful. O uria ugukura ukaa muntu mugima nwonaga uria thaa ciaku iri cia goro, na wega bwa gutumira thaa ciaku niuntu bwaku wengwa. Ciethirwa ni thaa cia gwita school, kaaba ujukie thaa inyingi kiricio, kwambiria family, nenkera family iu thaa inyingi kana kwambiria biashara, ukathoma uria umba kubanga na kumenyera thaa ciaku nirio umba gwita na mbere nkuruki. Thingata tujira tutu tutuuthu tugutethie kubanga thaa ciaku na tugakwerekeria muturire juri na maciara. Follow these simple tips to

 help you manage time and lead a more a productive life: Tip 1: Determine your priorities. 1. Menya nimbi ukwenda (Priorities). Find out what is most important to buy by giving everything in your life – from family, friends and partners to work, play, studies – a level of priority. Cwa nimbi iri na bata nkuruki kugura iminenkere thaa ciaku- kuuma kiri family, acore, baria buritaga ngugi nabo, butindanagia, kana buthomaga nabo. Gaania karatasi tucunci 4 gacunci ukae namba kuuma 1-4. No. 1 biria wendekia mbere. Au ukamenya maishene jaku biria biri bata inene, inini auu. Divide a piece of paper in 4 section each with a number from 1 to 4, 1 being the first priority of your life into the appropriate box. You will now have a clear idea of what things in your life should be considered big priorities, lower priorities, etc. 2. Andika biria wendekia mono wambirie au. Ikira biria wiriragiria na bitiumbikaga. Andika bionthe biria urotaga, na uria wendekia. Tegaga list yaku o mwaka jukiambiria. Giita jaria uthithitie, na womba kwongera. Jameru. Rikana jaria wendekia mbere Jethire jari mathunganione jaku.Ambiria kurita ngugi

 witite naria ukwenda Tip 2: Make a list of your life- long dreams and start working towards them. Include any and every unfulfilled dreamt you ever had. Be creative. Write down a list of goals and dreams that you want to achieve. Every year, at the start of the year, you can review this list, cross out whatever has been done and add new things. Then (and always with your priorities I mind) start working and moving towards achieving one or more of these dreams and goals. gukinya. 8 TIST Kenya : Joshuah Irungu, Director of Administration P.O. Box 1508,Nanyuki, KENYA Phone: +254-724-255-369 / Email : joshuah@tist.org Tip 3: Be proactive / plan ahead. 3.Ithirwa ukiumbaga kubanga mantu mbere Andika karacine mantu jonthe jaria ukwenda Jathithika o ntuku. Banga ntuku yaku ntuku imwe mbere. Kwou utita igita ikibanga ntuku yakinya. Jaria wandikite jagakwa kaanya ga kumenya kethira ukathithia jonthe ntuku iu kana ka ugacwa antu ba gugutethia. Na igakwa kaanya ga kwona urienda igita ringana ria kujuria ubatu bwaku. Write down on a piece of a paper all of the things you must get done, and want to get done on a daily basis. Organize your day the night before. That way, you will not waste time organizing and planning for the day that already started. The To Do List will also give a chance to determine if you have enough time to do it all in one day or if you need to ask for help from others. It will also help you see how much time you need to accomplish every goal. 4. Kara wibangite Untu bwa bata kiri kubanga thaa ciaku ni Gukaraga wibangite ukeja kujukia nusu ntuku Kutheria nyomba yaku ikwonania into bitirabangi Menya ati gutumira thaa inkai Mbere ukamba gucokaniria into uria kwagirite Ukonokia thaa inyingi nyumene. Guti gitumi Kia kwithirwa utibangite. Guti thaa utumagira Inyingi ikierekania mantu mbere na Ijebagia minoga iria ijaga riria aria ukuritira ngugi kwaragene. Utheru nabu iburigagiria jaria jejenagia na riria ukuritira ngugi antu aria kwaragene. Tip 4: Stay organized. One of the key elements of managing your time is staying organized. If it took you a half a day to clean your room, it may very well be because that the area was messy and unorganized. Understand that spending a few extra minutes each day putting things where they should go will save you hours later on. There is no excuse for being

 disorganized. It takes hardly any time to keep everything in order, and it prevents the stress and anxiety associated with in a messy, cluttered area. Cleanliness also prevents the procrastination that comes from not wanting to deal with such a mess. 5. Karaga ukionaga mbere ika mathuganione jaku ati uri ukuthithia buri na bata. Ika mathithio na mathithio amwe utegete aria ukwenda gukinyia ngugi yaku. Tip 5: Stay focused. Keep in mind what 6. Cokia nkaatho you have already determined is important to you. Make your actions align with these thoughts, and continue to focus on the end goal. Cokeria Murungu nkatho utuku mbere utiramama Niuntu bwa mantu jamanene kana jamanini jaria Jombikite. Itikiria buri uritani kethirwa kurijo Jatirombika jaria, ukubangite na utege mathaa Jau jangi 24 jari kanya kanyi. Ukurita ngugi Inene narua na ruuji ukarita inene nkuruki. Tip 6: Be grateful. Thank God every night before going to bed for all the big and small things you managed. If you didn’t mange all the things you had planned, acknowledge it as a lesson learned and look at the new ahead as a new 24- hour-long opportunity to do more. You did a great job today, and tomorrow will be even better. 9 TIST Kenya : Joshuah Irungu, Director of Administration P.O. Box 1508,Nanyuki, KENYA Phone: +254-724-255-369 / Email : joshuah@tist.org 10 TIST Kenya : Joshuah Irungu, Director of Administration P.O. Box 1508,Nanyuki, KENYA Phone: +254-724-255-369 / Email : joshuah@tist.org Tip 7: Ask for help: We cannot do everything alone. As a matter of fact, we never do because we are alone. Do not be afraid to ask for help for there are lessons to be learned from those who help us. When you create partnership, form small and constructive groups, you raise your capacity to achieve more. You learn from others and this helps you to improve on your weak areas. Putting the above points into practice will make you easily achieve your ultimate goals in life. Commitment, dedication and persistence are also core requirements in order to realize your goals. TIST will continue to offer you articles we hope will be a benefit for your daily life besides other helpful information obtained from other small groups that will make you and your small group prosper. All this is done so that, together, we can reach our full potential. We have unlimited power that lies within each one of us. Significantly, we must agree to learn by doing. 7. Itia Utethio Tutiumba kurita ngugi niuntu turi twinka. Ukaigua Uguaa ugitia utethio tontu kuri kithomo Tuthomaga kiri bangi. Ukathithia

 ngwataniro na Ikundi biria biritaga ngugi numbaga kujuria usatu Bwaku nkuruki. Nuthomaga kuma kiri bangi na Buu ibutethagia aria utikumba Ukathithia mantu jaja jonthe ikunyiagia Kuthithia muturirene jwaku. Guciejana na wiru Kinya kinya ku kumbekuri bata kujuria ubatu bwaku. Tisa igetaga na mbere kwandika mantu jaria jari bata muturirene yenu na itukugama bukona umithio Kirijo na jagatuma tukundi twenu tuniini twita na mbere nkuruki.

 Jaja jonthe jarithithua kenda Twinthe tumba gukinya antu aria kunoru. Turi na kiewa giti na muthia kiribatwi Na mwanka tuthomage na mathithio.