TIST Kenya Newsletter - February 2007

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ENGLISH At Glance !Muguna Disabled, A TIST Best Small Groups Achieving much despite the odds. !Lower Nkuriga Best Small Group Taking Lead in Developing other Small Groups in Achieving More. 

!Bejollulafrigeo Best Small Group, Training others Small Groups on Best practices. !Chugu Office: Local Trainings Making Impact at Grassroot level. !Lamuria office: Empowering Communities. !Kinyaritha Office: On the Move to New Areas. !Umoja A Mworoga: The Usefulness of Trees. !TIST: Building Leadership Capacity Through Rotational and Servant Leadership. KIMERU Kuuma gataria. !Muguna A Disabled:Gikundi kiri na umithio amwe na bubu. !Lower Nkuriga:gikundi gitongeretie ikundi bingi kuumba kurita ngugi nkuruki. 

!Benjolulafregio:Gikundi gikuritatana ikundi bingi bia TIST mantu jaria TIST ikagiira. !Ofisi ya Chugu:uritani bwa Nttura kurita umithio ndene ya micii !Ofisi ya Lamuria:Gwikira ntuura inya. !Ofisi ya Kinaritha:Gwiita guuntu gukweru. !Umoja A Mworoga:Weega bwa Miti. !TIST:Gukuria Utongeria na njira ya utongeria bwa kuthiurukana na kwiritira. 

1 TIST Kenya : Joshuah Irungu, Director of Administration P.O. Box 1508,Nanyuki, KENYA Phone: +254-724-255-369 / Email : joshuah@tist.org Gukindi kia Muguna A Disabled:Gikundi kiri na umithio amwe na bubu. Muguna Disabled A, a Best Small Groups Achieving much despite the odds. Our group is comprised of physically challenged members. We are based in Laikipia East Constituency in Laikipia District. We are under Lamuria Field Office. Gikundi gietu kithagirwa kiri kia amemba baria barithina cia marungo ja mwiri na tuthagirwa turi Constituencty ya Laikipia East ndene ya Laikipia District na twithagirwa tuti amemba ba Ofisi ya Lamuria. As a Best Small Group, we have embraced the responsibility of educating other small groups and communities on the benefits of TIST program. So far, as a result of these efforts, 

we have recruited and registered 15 new groups into the program. Tuuri amemba ba Gikundi kiria kiega gia TIST kuuma Ofisi ya Lamuria ni tuumbite kuritana amemba ba Ntuura cietu mantu jameega ja TIST na mwanka nandi nituandikithitie ikundi 15 kiri murandi jwetu. Kuuma riria twandikithirie aikundi bibi nituritene mantu ja Urimi bubwega,Kumemnyeera kamuunda gakumithia miti,Uandi bwa miti na Mantu jaria TIST ikagiira. Besides recruiting and registering new groups, we do train them on conservation farming, nursery management and tree planting and TIST best practices. Ndeene ya gikundi gietu nituthithagia urimi bubwega na nitwonete umithio bunene mono kuumania na urimi bubu na iriro biria bimiundene yetu nibikwanania tukethirwaturi na maketha jamanene mono na nituumbite kwona urimi bubu bukiinga mpara.Kumania na njiira iji ya urimi nitukiritana atuuri beetu wega bwa urimi bubu. In our group, all members have practiced conservation farming. 

The results of this newly introduced agriculture practice are amazing. The current crop is promising higher yields. Indeed, we have come from famine to surplus. We are encouraging others small groups to try this practice. ENGLISH A demonstration on Conservation Farming: Members of small groups being shown how conservation farming is done. KIMERU 2 TIST Kenya : Joshuah Irungu, Director of Administration P.O. Box 1508,Nanyuki, KENYA Phone: +254-724-255-369 / Email : joshuah@tist.org Kinya nandi nitwititwe na mbere kuritana antu beetu mantu ja murimo jwa mukingo na nitukumenyeera twana tuuria tutugi ni aciari bao na tukabamenyithia mantu ja kumeenya aana njaa ciao na kiinya baria bakumenyeera ajie. We have also continued to sensitize communities on peril of HIV/Aids scourge. Importantly, 

we cater for children orphaned by HIV/Aids and also provide helpful information on home based care to infected persons and affected families and especially to caregivers. Gikundi gietu nikiambiritie mirandi ingi iria ikooomba guturetera mbeca na kinya nitukuandi miti kwa wingi na iria igutigaara tukendia kiri atuuri beetu na inigi thokne cietu.Kinya nitukurita mbeca na njiira ya muthiruko ndene tya gilundo keenda tuumba gutethaniria amwe twinthe. We have established income generating activities within our groups. We have embarked on intensive tree nurseries establishment, where we sell surplus seedlings (those remain after planting in our shambas) to communities and in the local markets. We also have a revolving merry go- round fund, where we support amongst ourselves financially. Ndene hya mwaka juju turina wiiru bwa kurutana bingi bibiingi nkuruki na turina ma tukooomba kuandikithia ikundi bibingi nkuruki. We have welcomed this year with a resolve to continue working hard and recruiting more small groups. We are certain to achieve this objective. 

Gikundi kia Benjolulafregio:Kuriitana ikundi bingi mantu jaria mega ja TIST. Bejollulafrigeo Best Small Group, a Training others Small Groups on Best practices. Ndene ya ofisi yetu ya Ntugi gikundi gietu nikimwe kia ikundi biria biega bia TIST amwe na Umoja A, Lower Nkuriga Currently, in our Ntugi office, we are na Wendo Runkuuru. among the four best groups. Others are, Umoja A, Lower Nkuriga and Wendo Nturiga Gikundi giretu giaciandithirie na TIST ndene ya mwaka jwa 2004 riria TIST yambiririe Kenya turitani ni gikundi kia ekuru kia Muchui kimwe kia ikundi bia Ofisi ya Ntugi. We joined the TIST program in year 2004, the same year the program was introduced in Kenya. We were recruited by Muchui Women Group, one of the small groups in our Ntugi office. Mbere buuru gikundi gietu kiaritaga ngugi na ikundi biria biw\ejanaga mikoobo na kinya nitwaritaga ngugi cia waandi bwa miti na riria twaiandikithirie na TIST nitwaumithitie miti 6,000 ndene ya kamuunda geetu. Initially, our group which we formed in year 2003, was dealing in microfinance activities. In addition, we were also engaged in nursery management and by the time we were registered, we had 6,000 seedlings in our nurseries. 3 TIST Kenya : Joshuah Irungu, Director of Administration P.O. Box 1508,Nanyuki, KENYA Phone: +254-724-255-369 / Email : joshuah@tist.org We have focused our activities towards recruiting and training new small groups. So far, we have registered 40 new small groups into the program. We have trained these groups on TIST values, which are core pillars of the program, the dangers of HIV/Aids, tree planting and nursery management, conservation farming, fuel –efficient jikos/ stoves, and tree grafting. Gikundi gietu migitite na mbere kuandikithia na kuriitana ikundi bingi na mwanka nandi nituandikithitie ikundi 40.

Nituritene ikundi mantu jaria TIST ikagiira jaria jekagiira murandi jwetu inya,Mantu ja murimo jwa mukingo,Uandi bwa miti na kumithia miti,Urimi bubwega na utumiri bwa mariiko jaria jatumagiira nkuu inkai.ndene ya gikundi gietu amemba boonthe nibathithagia mantu jaja twagweta aja. Ameemba bagikuundi gietu nibathithagia mantu jau jonthe jaariritue au mbere. Ni withire bwetu gutongeeria na mung’uanano. We lead by example. All our members have also practiced all practices highlighted above. We have incorporated other activities in our group. We have a poultry keeping project.

 So far, though at initial stages, we have 28 chickens. We are committed to make this project a success. We also carry out merry –go – round activities as a means of financial support to our members. Gikundi gietu ituthithagia mantu jangi ta gwika nguku. Murandi juu jwa nguku jutikarite kagita gakanene indi turi na nguku 28 na itwitite na mbere kwona murandi juu jwetu jukunenea uria jubwirite. Itwithagirwa kinya turina ikundi bia amemba bietu bia kuritanira mbeca na ibitutethagiria kiri mobatu jetu ja mbeca. Mwaka muthiru nitwatungirwe nyoni ni kuriungirwa ni gikndi gia antu ba amerika gitongeretue ni Bwana na Bibi Ben Henneke. Gikundi kiu kiariungiire miunda yetu na kiagwirua mono ni untu bwa urimi bubwega buria tuthithagia na miti iria ithongi mono. Nitwitite na mbere kuandikithia ikundi bingi murandine jwa TIST. 

Ta uria tuugite wendo bwetu ni gutongeria na mung’uanano. Last year, we were privileged to host TIST US team led by Mr. and Mrs. Ben Henneke. The team visited our fields where they were impressed by conservation farming practices, and tree grooves which are doing very well. We are keen on recruiting, registering and training more groups. As stated above, we are going to lead by example.

 Lower Nkuriga Best Small Group: Quantification exercise was successful. Gikundi Kia Lower Nkuriga: Utari bwa miti ni bwabuire. We are one among the four best small groups in Ntugi office. Turi kiri imwe kia ikundi binna biria biega ndene ya ofisi ya Ntugi. In mid December 2006, we had a very successful quantification exercise in our areas. We helped the TIST Quantifiers in visiting small groups and also in identifying the grooves. The quantifiers were Naaman Karani and Emelda Kigetu. Mary Mathani and Stephen Mburung’a led the quantifiers to the small groups. Gatigatine ka mweri jwa ndisemba 2006 itwari na utari bwa miti bubwega mono. Twatetherie Atari ba miti ba TIST kuriungira ikundi biniini bia TIST na kumenya miunda. Atari bau baari Naaman Karani na Emelda Kigetu.Mary Mathani na Stephen Mburung’a nibo batongeretie Atari bau. 

4 TIST Kenya : Joshuah Irungu, Director of Administration P.O. Box 1508,Nanyuki, KENYA Phone: +254-724-255-369 / Email : joshuah@tist.org Utari buu bwari na kujukia ithimi, gutara imera biria biari kiri nasari, gutega urimi bubwega na miti iria yaandi. Atari bau ibajukirie ithimi bia miunda na batega aria juri ndene ya nthiguru Ikundi bimwe biria biatarirwe miti ni kaithe, 

Nkuriga na Mountain View. Ikundi biu bionthe biri na miunda iminene na Atari ba miti ibajukirie kagita gakaingi na inya inyingi gutara miti iu. Guntu gwa Nkuriga I kwonanitie wendo bubwingi kiri murandi juu na ibakwenda kureta ikundi bingi kiri TIST. Itumenyete ati guntu kuu kurina inya niuntu antu ba ku bari na miunda iminene mono na ibakwenda kwanda miti imingi o uria bakoomba.Ni baijie wega bwa miti kiri antu na maciirigiiro. This Quantification exercise involved taking the baselines, counting seedlings in the nurseries, quantifying conservation farming and tree groves. 

The quantifiers also took tract acreage recording and global positioning. The later two fascinated small groups’ members who were very impressed by the technology. Among the groups quantified include Kaithe Nkuriga and Mountain View small groups. The two groups have large tracts of land and it took the quantifiers a lot of time and effort. Nkuriga area has registered a lot of interest in the program. We want to recruit more small groups. We have observed that this area has a lot of potential.

 People and communities in this region have large tracts of land. And they are ready to plant trees and make the area green. They acknowledge the importance of trees to the environment and ultimately to people’s lives. Ikundi bietu nibirikitie kumenya wega bwa urimi bubwega na iboonete mawega bwa urimi buu. Nandi arimi nibeerigirite maketha jamega mwaka juu. ENGLISH: A TIST Quantifier doing quantification of trees using a modern technology. KIMERU: Mutari o miti wa TIST agitara miti agitumaira kithomo gikieru. 5 TIST Kenya : Joshuah Irungu, Director of Administration

 P.O. Box 1508,Nanyuki, KENYA Phone: +254-724-255-369 / Email : joshuah@tist.org Mbere nibareendaga kurega kuthithia urimi bubwega indi narua noka bakwathiira urimi buu kiri baria batibuthithagia. Small groups have embraced conservation farming fully. And they have appreciated the good returns from the practice. Now farmers are assured of good crop harvest this year. Initially, farmers were skeptical of this farming practice, but today, they spread the ‘gospel’ to other people who have not practiced it. Turina kugwirua gukwingi niuntu bwa moritani kuuma kiri mofisi ja ome ja TIST na kinya ofisine ya TIST ya Kenya. Nitukuromba ofisi cioijiri iritane antu naaja gwetu kenda twongera umenyo bwetu bwa mantu ja TIST. Naria tukwenda mono ni Kiirua, Maitei na Muruguma. We appreciate the local trainings being organized by field offices and the TIST administrative office. We are requesting the two offices to hold trainings in our areas in order to boost our training efforts. Our special focus is Kirua, Maitei and Muruguma sub-locations. Umoja A Mworoga: Wega bwa miti. 

1. Miti ni ya maana mono, Tukethirwa tuti na miti tutiumba Umoja A Mworoga: The Usefulness of gutuura bwega, Trees. Niuntu Murungu baaba wetu, Noonere ati nthiguru iithirwe iri na 1 miti, . Trees are very important, W Ya mithemba imiingi ithout trees we cannot live well, Because God ou Thoma Kiambiriria 1:11; r heavenly Father, Dec Aandeni miti ya mithemba imingi. idedthattheearthshouldhavetrees, Of different species and types Read Genesis 1:11; 2. Nthuganagia mono nkamenya Planttreesofdifferenttypesandspecies. Murungu atwendete mono Na aijii uria twendaga, 2. When I sit back and ponder Tutikara tutina Ruuo ruruthongi, I see God Loves us Ruria ruumaga mitine ya mithemba imiinge And knows our desires, We cannot live without it, Fresh Air, Tha 3. Twii antu, t comes from the trees, P Twaagite umenyo, lanttreesofdifferenttypes&species. Twatema miti yonthe iria yari na gitumi, 3. We people, W Kuthukia maciirigiria, e lacked know-how, C Twairetera thina, ut down all the trees, T Kwaga mbura na ruuo ruruthongi, hat were of great help, S Biakuria kuuma kiri miti, poilt our environment, B Afia ya antu, rought our selves trouble; Aandeni miti ya mithemba imingi. Lack of rain, fresh air, Food from trees, Human health, Planttreesofdifferenttypes&species. 6 

TIST Kenya : Joshuah Irungu, Director of Administration P.O. Box 1508,Nanyuki, KENYA Phone: +254-724-255-369 / Email : joshuah@tist.org 4. TIST groups are moving on, 4. Ikundi bia TIST no biitite na mbere, They are ahead with ideas, Bii mbere na mathuganio, Bikimenyaga ati niti niejanaga ruuo rurwega. Having the know how that trees give oxygen. Form a group of 6 to 12 members, Thithia gikundi kia antu 6 mwanka Register your group with CAAC, 12, And join the Carbon business Andikithieni gikundi na CAAC, Plant trees of different types and Na utonye biasharene ya ruuo species. Aandeni miti imingi ya mithemba. From Agnes Kathiiri Kithinji Kuuma kiri; Agnes Kathiiri Kithinji Chugu Office: Local Trainings Making Impact at Grassroot level. Ofisi ya Chugu: Ithomo bia Ofisi Mweri jwa disemba 2006 twi ba ofisi ya chugu itwari na moritani tugwatanirite na antu ba ofisi ya TIST. Moritani jau jari ja ntuku ijiri. In December 2006,

 we, Chugu Office partnering with TIST Kenya office, conducted two successful in-house trainings. Both trainings were two- day events. Maumanio ja moritani jau ni jamanene na jamega. Naria Nyweri uritani bumwe bwathithagirua baria bari ku nibathomere mantu jameru na bauga inya jao jaria boonaga ni jamega. The impacts of the above trainings are huge. At Nyweri, one of the venues, participants learnt new best ideas from the program. They also shared their own best ideas. Twabaritanire mantu ja TIST (Values), mantu jamega ja TIST na twabonia kuthithia urimi bubwega , twabaritana uria kandarasi ya biashara ya ruuo ithagirwa ikari na twabera baita iria ciumanagia na murandi jwa TIST. Baria baari moritanine jau boonete mawega na njira ta iji; We taught them TIST values and Best practices, carried out a demonstration on conservation farming, educated them on green house gas contract and business and informed them TIST benefits. In response, the participants acknowledged to have benefited from the program in the following ways; 7 TIST Kenya : Joshuah Irungu, Director of Administration P.O. Box 1508,Nanyuki, KENYA Phone: +254-724-255-369 / Email : joshuah@tist.org a) Ibarii mbeca. Ibagwikirwa inya na kwirwa beete na mbere kwanda miti nkuruki. Kinya kethira biashara ya ruuo ni injeru kiri bo nandi nibomithithia na bari tayari gwita na mbere kumithithia. a) They have received cash incentives. They are encouraged and motivated to plant more trees.

 Though carbon business was alien to them initially, they have now embraced it fully and ready to participate. b) Amemba bamwe ba gikundi baritani kuthithia urimi bubwega niboonete maketha jamaingi kuringana na barimite na njira iria ingi. b) A section of participants who have been taught conservation farming, reported to have experienced a significant increase in yields compared to traditional farming method. c) Ibathomere mantu ja utongeeria bubwega. d) Barina kugwirua niuntu bwa gasiti ya TIST iria ibatethagia kumenya mantu jameru. c) They have learnt new ideas especially the rotational leadership. d) They are impressed by TIST monthly newsletter which offers them a forum to learn more ideas. Antu ibaugire mantu jaria bari na jo mathuganione, ta amemba ba

 gikundi gikiega kia PAA A iboonanirie njira injeru cia kwona mutu jwa irio bibingi ta marigu,matuma, ikwa, ikwacii bia mukuo na ikwacii bia miti. Bacooka boonania wega bwa biakuria bii ta gwikira inya mwiri na gutetheria antu batikagwate ni mirimo. Mutu juu no jutumirwe kuruga migate ya chapatti kana ucuru. In a heavily packed venue, participants shared their own best ideas. Specifically, members of PAA A best small group shared and taught on modern ways of getting flour from locally available crops such as cassava, banana, arrowroots, yams and sweet potatoes. They outlined the nutritional benefits of these foods saying that they help in making the body strong and guarding against diseases. The flour can be used to prepare chapatis or in making uji (porridge). Mitu iji niitumagirwa kuthithia sabuni, ndai na biu bingi. Ijutumagirwa kuthongomia nguu. Mantu jaa jonthe ijabareterete mbeca. Nandi boomba gucirungamiira bongwa kuumania na In additional, they also manufacture mantu jau. soaps, dyes and other detergents. 

They also decorate garments thought tie and dye techniques. All these activities have earn them good income. They say, they have become self-reliant out these ‘humble’ initiatives. Amemba ibari na bata mono kumenya mantu ja mariko jaria jatigutumira mwanki jumwingi. Ibeerigirite mono kuthoma kenda bajathithia ndene ya nja ciao. Barina witikio ati mariko jakanyiyia kunoga gwa kuuria nku. Bathithia uu bakoona miti imingi ya kuthithia biashara ya ruuo. Participants requested more information on energy saving jikos. They said they are eager to learn and also develop them in their homes. They appreciated that these jikos will reduce the strain on wood fuel consumption thus, be in a position to raise more trees and earn more income from green house gas business. 8 TIST Kenya : Joshuah Irungu, Director of Administration P.O. Box 1508,Nanyuki, KENYA Phone: +254-724-255-369 / Email : joshuah@tist.org Ibatucookerie nkaatho niuntu bwa kubarea miti kurina thaa na bauga tuthithie moritani jau jamaingi.

 They also acknowledge and thanked us for timely payments of tree incentives. Further, they requested for more such trainings. Ofisi ya Lamuria:Gwikira Antu Inya. Lamuria office: Empowering Communities. Ofisi yetu ni gutamba kiri biang’i bia District ya Laikipia.Nitigwatene na ikundi binini na twomba gutambia murandi juju ndene ya Laikipia. Our offices is spreading its wings to the service of Laikpia District residents. We have joined hands with small groups in spreading the program in our expansive Laikipia district. Nitwitite na mbere kuritana ikundi binini mantu ja uandi bwa miti,kumenyera miti na urimi bubwega.Amwe na mantu jaja tontu bwa uria naja gwetu nikwithagirwa kuri na thina uuji nai turitanaga ikundi bietu mantu ja gwika riuuji na na njiira ya gwaka matangi na miguri ya gwika ruu. Ruuji ruria rwikagirwa matangine jaja na na miguurune iria iinji nirutimagirwa kagita karia kuri an thina ya ruji ni tutumagiira gwikira miti na irio biria biandi. We have continued to teach our small groups on tree planting, tree groves management and conservation farming. Importantly, our area being semi –arid, we also teach on water harvesting techniques such as construction of dams and trenches. Water that is collected is later used during the dry seasons to irrigate trees and other crops in the fields. ENGLISH: In house training: Participants attending a local seminar at Matanya area during the month of January. KIMERU: 9 TIST Kenya : Joshuah Irungu,

 Director of Administration P.O. Box 1508,Nanyuki, KENYA Phone: +254-724-255-369 / Email : joshuah@tist.org In an effort to empower communities, groups in Miguna area have donated 1,000 trees seedlings to public institutions including schools and dispensaries during the last short rains season. Further, 2,000 were given to individual farmers. This gesture was warmly appreciated and the communities have come to realize the important role TIST is playing in nurturing our environment. Kiri njira cia gwikira amemba beetu inya, gikundi kia Muguna ninaejene miti 1000 kiri macukuru na cibitari kagita ka mbura iria ikurukite.Kinya nkuruki, miti 2000 niejani kiri arimi.Kiewa giki nikiajukirwe na nkoro intheru mono na na twoomba kwoona uria TIST ikumba kuthithia kiri antu beetu. 

Kinya nituumbite kuritana ikundi mantu ja urimi bubwega.Arimi baria bageririe urimi bubu mbura nthiiru niboonete makethe jamanene mono nkuruki ya mbura iria ikurukite. Further, we have trained small groups on conservation farming. Farmers who practiced this agricultural practice last season are ‘smiling all the way to granary.’ They are now harvesting higher yields. Ofisi yetu iri na mworoto jwa kuritana na kuandikithia ikundi bibingi nkuruki.Turienda kugarura Laikipia ituike District iria iri ndene ya mwitu. We remain focused to recruit more small groups. We want to change Laikipia to become a district in the forest! Ofisi ya Kinyaritha: Gwita na Mbere ndene ya guuntu Gukweru. Kinyaritha Office: On The Move To New Areas. Nitwitite na mbere na kuambiria ikundi ndene ya guuntu gukweru.Rua nitwitithie murandi ndene ya Ankamia, Ametho ndene ya Mikinduri,Kiandiu na Kitheo ndene ya Miathene ,Mituntu na Nkomo. 

We are on the move. We have captured new areas. Recently, we have spread the program to Ankamia and Ametho areas in Mikinduri, Kiandiu and Kitheo in Miathene, Mituntu in Nkomo area. Mwanka nandi, nituandikithitie ikundi 515 ndene ya ofisi yetu.Amwe na kuandikithia ikundi keenda biumba kugwatana na njira ya kubaritana na kubaria mbeca. As a result of this effort, we have so far registered 515 small groups. Besides, we have continued consolidating the already registered groups by empowering them through training and payment of incentives. Kiri irii ria mbeca riria ringi ikundi bibiingi ibiarii. Untu buu ibwikirite ikundi bii inya na boomba kwandikithia ikundi bingi. Arimi babaingi ba kuuma ikundine bia TIST biniini ibetiikiritie moritani jetu ja kurega kwanda miti ya mibau. Ibamenyete ni mma itibui kiri maciirigiri jetu ta kuumagaria nduuji na guntu ta kuu. Nkuruki baria bamiandite miundene yao ibamenyete uria ithukagia biakuria. Ituubera baande miti ya kimeru. During the last quarter disbursement of payments to the small groups, a significant number of groups were paid. This has motivated such groups and many others have registered as a result. 10 TIST Kenya : Joshuah Irungu, Director of Administration P.O. Box 1508,Nanyuki, KENYA Phone: +254-724-255-369 / Email : joshuah@tist.org Farmers especially from small groups have now adhered to our trainings against planting of eucalyptus trees. They have observed the environmental damage that is being caused by eucalyptus trees especially in drying up the streams and other catchments areas. Further, those who have planted them in their shambas have witnessed how they affect other crops. We are now encouraging them to plant indigenous trees. Ikundi biniini bibiingi iboonete mawega kuumania na moritani. Babaingi ibarikitie kumenyethua mantu ja TIST kairi. 

Moritani jau jaaragiiria mantu ja witi na mbere bwa ntuura na biashara ya ruuo. Moritani jau jeejanitie na gutuma amemba ba ikundi kumenya nkuruki mantu ja biashara ya ruuo na uria muntu athithagia kenda oomba kuthithia biashara iu. Ibeendete kumenya mono mantu ja kandarasi ya biashara iu. Kiri uiti na mbere bwa ntuura antu ibaritani mantu ja urimi bubwega. Kiri moritani jonthe amemba baritanagwa njira cia kurima bakionagua. A number of small groups have benefited from the in-house trainings. Many groups have been refreshed on TIST components. The trainings focused on both sustainable development and carbon credit business. The impact of these trainings has been enormous. Members of the small groups are now fully in-the – know about the greenhouse gas business and the requirements for this business. They have taken a keen interest in the greenhouse gas contract. On sustainable development, participants have been equipped with practical information especially on conservation farming. In every training, participants are taught on this farming method through demonstrations. Mantu jangi jeethagirwa jakiritanwa ni; uandi bwa miti na umenyeri bwa nasari, mantu ja TIST na mathithio jamega ja TIST ta uria utongeeria bwa muthiuruko na micemanio ya magita jonthe. Mantu ja mukingo na mariko ja gutumira mwanki jumukai ijaaragiirua. Amemba ba ikundi bia TIST barina bata mono ya kumenya mantu ja mariiko ja gutumira mwanki jumukai. Ibagwiritue mono ni kumenya mawega ja mariiko jaa mono ruteere rwa gutumira nku inkai na kunyiyia ntogi antu a kurugira. 

No twitite na mbere na aja akui tugakinya Igembe. Other topics that have featured in all trainings include; tree planting and nursery management, TIST values and Best practices with emphasis in rotational and servant leadership and regular meetings. HIV/ Aids and energy saving jikos are also covered. ENGLISH: Kinyaritha field office trainer inspecting a tree grove. KIMERU: Muritani wa ofisi ya Kinyaritha akirathaga miti Members of small groups are particularly keen to learn about energy saving jikos. They have been impressed by the information provided on the benefits of this jiko especially in the side of wood fuel consumption and also in reducing smoke around the cooking place. 11 TIST Kenya : Joshuah Irungu, Director of Administration P.O. Box 1508,Nanyuki, KENYA Phone: +254-724-255-369 / Email : joshuah@tist.org TIST: Kuritana Njira iria Njega cia utongeria. We are on the move. Very soon we are going to capture Igembe areas. TIST: Building Leadership Capacity Utongeria bwa muthiuruko ni mbi? Through Rotational Leadership. Iji ni njira iria amemba boonthe ba gikundi baejaira yaanya batongeria bangi kagita ka mucemanio jwa gikundi.Maantu jaria jonthe jahtithagua kiri gikundi jethagirwa jari ja amemba boonthe. What is rotational leadership?

 Rotational leadership is where each group member takes it in turn to lead and co-lead the group meeting. There is no one single leader. The responsibility is equally shared amongst all group members. Niki tutumagira njira iji ya utongeria? Oo muntu wonthe ari njira yawe ya ontongeria na iewa mwanya mwanya.Kwou otongeria bwa muthiuruko nibutethagiria antu boomba kuthooma kumania na antu bangi.Kehira antu boonthe bekethirwa bagikanagira inya,kinya baria baaigagua nthooni cia kwaria mbere ya antuy bangi bakoomba kugia inya ya ontogeriaa.Nituumbaga kuthoma mono kumania na antu bangi. Why rotational leadership? Each person has different ways of leading, and each person has different gifts. Rotating the leadership means group members can all learn from each other about leadership. If everyone is supportive and encouraging, even shy group members will have the chance to grow in confidendence and leadership abilities. We are able to learn something from everyone. Njira iji ya kugarura atongeria niitethagiria kurigiria muntu umwe aatigatuike wa kuthagirwa amenyerete mantu joonthe.kumenyeera mantu kubaterie kwithirwa buri bwa antu boonthe na muntu umwe atibatterie kwithirwa akinogua ni mantu jaja ngugi kinya iriku.Njira iji ya utongeria ni itethgaria kinya kaagita karia muntu umwe akwenda gutwika niwe ukathithia mantgu joonthe amenya kinya antu baria bangi ni baiji gutongeria.O muntui woonthe akethirwa ari na kaanya ka gutongeria bangi. Rotating leadership also reduces the stress of one person being responsible all the time. Because the responsibility is equally shared, no one person should be overly burdened or tired by the job. Rotating the leadership means there will be fewer problems if one person likes to dominate the conversations and be in charge all the time. Each person will have his / her own chance to lead the meeting. Imbi tubaaterie kuthithia riria tugutumira utongeria bwa What you should do when practicing muthiuruko? rotational leadership? ! Twambiririe gutumira utongeria bwa ! Begin rotating leadership as soon as muthiuruko twagwatana turi gikundi. possible. 12 TIST Kenya : Joshuah Irungu, Director of Administration P.O. Box 1508,Nanyuki, KENYA Phone: +254-724-255-369 / Email : joshuah@tist.org ! Kagita karia turi na mucemanio, tukathura uria ukethirwa ari mutongeria na munini wawe. ! 

At the end of each meeting decide who will be a leader and co-leader next time. ! Kethira mumemba umwe wa gikundi atikwenda gutongeria, kana niakugwa ntoni, amemba bangi nibabaterie kumwaa kanya oone bangi bakitongeria. ! Everyone should get a chance to lead and co-lead. ! If a group member does not want to lead, or is shy, the group can let him or her watch others lead first. Then they can co-lead before leading next time. ! Kethira mumemba niakwigua nthoni kana atikwenda gutongerua amemba bangi bomba kumwitikiria agatega bangi bagitongeria mbere. Riu akaa munini wa mutongeria. ! Pass any teaching materials on to the next leader. ! Remember to wait for people to speak after asking a question. ! Nenkera mutongeria into bia kuritana. ! Riikana gwetera antu ba kuuria biuria What makes a good servant leader? nyuma ya mucemanio. Mutongeria umwega athithagua nimbi? ! The leader should be humble, patient, accepting and honest. ! The leader should show the same acceptance and respect for every group member, regardless of what they do outside the group. ! Abwirite kwinyiyia, akiriritie, eetikiritie na mwaria mma. !

 Mutongeria abwirite gwitikiria amemba bonthe na kubonia heshima atigukara kwenda kumenya ngugi iria baitaga. ! The leader should speak very little. He or she should encourage all members to share ideas and have the chance to speak. ! Abwirite kwithira atikwaria mono na akaa antu bonthe kaanya ga kuuga uria bakwenda na bakuthugania. ! Leaders should make sure they properly listen to the group members. Encourage people when they have made a contribution. ! Atongeria babwirite kuthikiira uria amemba bakuuga na baabekira inya ! Don’t pretend you know all the bauga mathuganio jau. answers! ! Ugaciethia nuijie mantu jonthe. ! Kinya wethirwa nuijie macokio nibwega gutiga amemba bakaariria bongwa. Muntu ooria kiuria tigira amaemba bangi baaririe. ! Even if you do know the answer, it is better to let the group discuss the question themselves. If someone asks a question, offer it to the rest of the group to discuss. ! Geria kumenya biewa bia antu o mwanya na kubekira inya kiri mantu jaria bathithagia. ! Try to recognize the gifts that each person has, and to encourage them in the things they do well. ! Itikiria antu na maugo jao ! Accept people and statements utiubacambia. without criticism or judgment. ! Acknowledge and demonstrate respect for the person with whom you may not agree. 13 TIST Kenya : Joshuah Irungu, Director of Administration P.O. Box 1508,Nanyuki, KENYA Phone: +254-724-255-369 / Email : joshuah@tist.org 14 TIST Kenya : Joshuah Irungu, 

Director of Administration P.O. Box 1508,Nanyuki, KENYA Phone: +254-724-255-369 / Email : joshuah@tist.org ! Onania heshima kiri muntu uria butireetikaniria nawe. ! Don’t debate! Acknowledge even the most unusual statement with: “That’s an interesting view. Does anyone else have any thoughts on that?” Throw it back to the group so others may contribute. ! Tiga nkarari. Itikiri inya biugo bitibui na kuuga ”Buu ni bubwega kuri na muntu ungi akuthugania ungi tiga uu?” Cookeria amemba bangi kenda inya bo batetheria. ! Riikana kuuga mantu jaku wengwa, jamega na jatijamega kiri gikundi. Mutongeria akwaria mma atumaga bangi baigue bang’aniri kuuga mathuganio jao. ! Remember to share your own stories, strength and weaknesses with the group. An honest leader makes others feel comfortable to share themselves. 

ENGLISH: The TIST Kenya director inspecting trees. KIMERU: Director wa TIST Kenya agitega miti iria yaandi ni amemba