TIST Uganda Newsletter - May 2022

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THE TREE The International Small Group and Tree Planting Program

The TREE is a monthly newsletter Published by TIST Uganda, a project area of The International Small Group and Tree Planting Program. MISSION STATEMENT: TIST Uganda is a community initiative dedicated to empowering small groups of subsistence farmers to combat the devastating effects of deforestation, poverty and drought. OBJECTIVE STATEMENT: Combining sustainable development with carbon sequestration,TIST supports the reforestation efforts of over 25,000 subsistence farmers. Sales of carbon credits generate participant income while TIST today also addresses Agriculture, HIV/AIDS, Nutrition and Fuel Wood challenges. ADDRESS: TIST Uganda. Bushenyi Town, Liberation Road - Kitokye Lane P.O. Box 232, Bushenyi, Uganda, East Africa. Tel: 0772 058 868 / 0773 716960 / 0772360429 / 0783910878 Website: www.tist.org, info@i4ei.org

PAYMENTS NEWSLETTER 2021 Profit Sharing Summary Soon, we will begin distributing 2021 Profit Sharing vouchers, and we have good news to share! In Kenya, over 8,000 groups are eligible to receive 2021 profit sharing, an increase of more than 2,000 groups from 2020 profit sharing. In Uganda, almost 2,600 groups are eligible to receive profit sharing, an increase of 1,600 groups from 2020 profit sharing. In Kenya, we will be distributing over 290 million Kenya shillings in 2021 profit sharing, which is 173 million shillings more than last year. In Uganda, we will be distributing over 7.8 billion Uganda shillings in 2021 profit sharing, which is almost 3.5 billion more than last year’s profit sharing. We have also made improvements to this year’s profit sharing process to ensure everyone working with TIST receives their fair share of the 70% profit sharing for their work with TIST. This will require some changes to the normal process, including a discussion with your Small Group on the percent each person receives from the profit sharing, and written confirmation of those percentages returned to your Cluster Servant. Please see below for more information on why we are changing the process and how the 2021 Profit Sharing process will work. What makes up the value of a carbon credit? The value of a carbon credit is worth much more than the value of the trees planted and the carbon sequestered from those trees. TIST tonnes are valued much higher than other credits of sequestered carbon because of the co-benefits of the TIST tonnes. These co-benefits have earned TIST Triple Gold CCB status with Verra through the work of TIST farmers implementing Conservation Farming, creating clean energy cookstoves, practicing bee-keeping, creating leadership opportunities for all, including women and youth, expanding the program from farmer to farmer, collecting accurate information, and so much more! (Because there is so much more than the trees that create value in the carbon credit and create profit, we are asking that you discuss as a group how to split up the money for profit sharing to account for both the trees planted and the work on co-benefits. We will help you with this discussion through our new 2021 Profit Sharing voucher system, which will generate two vouchers. Please read the next article to explain why we are creating two vouchers. Why are we doing 2 vouchers? As you saw from the graphic above, TIST is getting much higher prices than other projects in the carbon market. That is because TIST participants are doing activities that help the land, biodiversity, their family health and income, restore riparian areas, and all the other activities make us proud to be in TIST. The higher prices mean we create extra income and, therefore extra profits for all TIST participants. So, the first voucher is profits from the carbon tonnes in the trees. We ask you to discuss among yourselves how the “tree” profits should be divided in your group. The second voucher is profits from our CCB ‘Triple Gold’ certification, SDG impacts, and things not related to the tree growing. We ask you to discuss among yourselves and decide how those profits should be divided in your group. Who has been the best servant among your group members? Who has done the most for other small groups or for your Cluster? Those people should get bigger shares of these profits to be “fair”. 2021 Profit Sharing Voucher Process Your Small Group will receive two 2021 Profit Share vouchers: 

● 1st Voucher: 2/3 of the 2021 Profit Sharing Payment for your Small Group for the tree profits. 

● 2nd Voucher: Remaining 1/3 of 2021 Profit Sharing Pay- ment for your Small Group for the co-benefits profits. Here are the steps from receiving your 1st voucher to the final pay- ment of the 2nd voucher. For the 1st voucher, you will follow the same process as normal to receive payment. 1. Attend a Cluster meeting where you will receive the 1st and 2nd 2021 Profit Sharing vouchers. 2. After the Cluster meeting, take the 1st voucher back to the Small Group and have it signed as usual. 3. Return the signed 1st voucher to the next Cluster meeting and receive payment immediately. For the 2nd voucher, you will need to discuss with your Small Group how to share the payment for both 2021 and 2022 Profit Sharing. 4. After the Cluster meeting, take the 2nd voucher back to your Small Group and discuss with your Small Group members (and landowners) to decide what percentage will be paid to each person for both 2021 and 2022 Profit Share. You will receive instructions on how to have this conversation along with your voucher. Please also read the article later in this newsletter to help with the discussion with your Small Group. 5. List each person’s name, and the percent they will be paid on the second page of the voucher. ENGLISH TIST UGANDA MAY 2022 NEWSLETTER 4 The International Small Group and Tree Planting Program 6. Return the signed voucher to the next Cluster meeting and receive payment immediately After submitting both signed vouchers back to your Cluster Servant, you will have completed your 2021 Profit Sharing payment process! Congratulations! equal. Thus, everyone should end up being treated fairly, equally, and based on their results.” How to have a discussion with your Small Group on dividing Profit Share Discussion Steps: 1. Have a meeting with your entire Small Group and any landowner(s) who gave you permission to plant on their land. 2. Please understand this agreement is for 2021 and 2022 Profit Sharing 3. Discuss what percent of the money should go to each per- son that has been involved in the Small Group activities including: planting, maintenance, training, creating nursery beds, cookstoves, developing Best Practices, and more. 4. If applicable, determine the percent for the landowner (up to a maximum of 20%). Discussion Notes: 

● Land owndership does not create carbon credits; it is the careful measurement and reporting about the amount of carbon in the living trees on that land. 

● If the trees get cut down, the value disappears. TIST must make up the loss of tonnes, and Profit Sharing will not be paid.

 ● If you do not have proof of an agreement to plant the trees on the land, you need to arrange for that proof that you could show a verifier. 

● Also, think about the owner of the land who needs a reason to keep the trees alive so everyone can continue to receive profit sharing How do we make sure Profit Sharing is fair to everyone? In the TIST Values, we have agreed that we will be mutually accountable and that we will be servants to each other. That means that we all need to live the” Golden Rule”. We need to make sure that we are treating each other the way we want to be treated. So that’s what we’re doing with the profit sharing payments. We are working hard to make it “fair” to everyone. We do that in two ways: First, we count everything the farmers have done with their trees– all of the tonnes they have sequestered, even if those tons have not been sold. Second, we make sure that if your Small Group has missed prepayments - or even an earlier profit-sharing payment - the next profit-sharing payment catches you up, so you are equal. Thus, everyone should end up being treated fairly, equally, and based on their results.” AKATABO K’EBYENSHASHURA Embagana y’amagoba ga 2021 omubuuze Embagana yamagoba Eihanga : KE . UG Amakuru marungi turihaihi obupapura bw’enshashura ya 2021.- Emiti neerinda obufuki kuguma omwitaka kandi ahari egyo eine ekiriisa kya Nitrogen, neereeta ekiriisa omwitaka. -

• Omuri Kenya guruupu haihi 8000, nizo ziraije kutunga amagoba ga 2021 bwanyima yokukanya kuruga guruupu 2000 omumwaka gwa 2020. Omu Uganda haihi guruupu 2600 nizo ziragane amagoba ga 2021 bwanyima yokutunguuka na guruupu 1600.

 • Omuri Kenya guruupu nizeja kubagana mirioni 290 za Kenya obwe harengiremu 173 kuruga omwaka oguhweire. Reeru omu Uganda guruupu niziija kutuunga obuhumbi 7.8 obwe zirengizeho obuhumbi 3.5 omwaka oguhweire. Omwaka ogu amagoba gakanyire kandi buri omwe orikukora na TIST naaza kutunga akasiimo ke ka ebicweka 70% aha magoba. Eki nikmanyisa ngu entwaza eyobutoosha neeza kuhindukaho kwenda kutunga amakuru gembagana yamagoba hamwe nekihandiko kirikuhamya kushashura eyongyeirweho kuruga omu guruupu enkye kuza omu guruupu zempagara. Reeba ahaifo empinduka neshashura okubiragyende. Ekirikumanyisa omuhanda gwa kabooni-

 • Omuhendo gwa kaboni nigukiraho ahagwemiti ebyairwe na kaboni erikushaarurwamu. Taani za kaboni za TIST nizikiraho aha zindi kaboni ezirikushashurwa ahandi ahabwembagana yaabo yamukwatane. Embaganaegi ehaire TIST ebirabo bye feeza ebya TIST. Triple Gola CCB na Verra kurabira omumikorere yabahingi ba TIST nka okuhingira okurinda eitaka okukoresa amahega garikutwara enku nkye, kwibika enjoki, omwetoorooro omubyobwebembezi nkabakazi neminyeeto kuhangusya puroguramu yomuhingi ahamuhingi, okukanyisa okurundaana amakuru agahikire nebindi bingi. Ekirikureetera omwoya gwa TIST gwagura sente nyingi.

 • Ahabwokuba hariho ebindi bingi kukira aha burungi bw’emiti erikurugwamu omwoya oguturikuguza tukatuunga sente okukira purojekiti ezindi ezirikurugwamu kaboni. Niyo nshonga ahabwenki b ameba ba TIST nibakora emirimo kuhwera ebintu ebirikuruga omuntuura yabantu neibihingwa, ebyamagara nentyasya, okugaruza busya emyanya yemyegyego nebindi nibyo birikutwesimisa nka TIST. 

• Okuhanguha gwemihendo ya kaboni nikireetaho okukura entaasya namagoba gabarikwetaba omu TIST. • Vookya eyokubanza neyamagoba kuruga omu taani za kaboni omu miti nitubashaba kukigaaniraho omu guruupu zanyu okumurabagane amagoba gomuti.

 • Vookya eyakabiri neyamagoba kuruga omu CCB Triple Gold Certification, akakwate ka SDG nebindi ebitarikuruga omukubyara emiti. Nitubashaba kuganiraho aha mbagana yamagoba TIST UGANDA RUNYAKORE MAY 2022 NEWSLETTER AKATABO KOKWAKATANO 2022

 The International Small Group and Tree Planting Program 5 agarikuruga omu nkora egi. Noha abaire omuheereza osingire abandi omu guruupu yanyu. Osingire omu za guruupu ezempagara. Ahabw’oburinganiza abantu aba bashemereire kubagana ekirengire ahakyabandi. Emitwarize yenshashura ya vookya 2021 

• Guruupu yaawe neija kutunga vookya yakubagana amagoba ga 2021. 

• Eyokubanza nebicweka 2/3 byenshashura yamagoba ga guruupu enkye erugire omu miti.

 • Eyakabiri ni kimwe kyakashatu 1/3 yamagoba ga guruupu enkye agomubagano nari aga hamwe. 

• Amatembezo genshashura ya vookya xombi vokyoa eyokubanza netwazibwa eti.

 1. Nimwija kutunga vookya zombie omurukiiko za guruupu zempagara. 2. Kuruga omunkiiko zempagara nimutwara vookya eyokubanza mugigarura omu guruupu enke b ameba bataho emikono yaabo. 3. Nimureeta vookya egyo mugigarura omu rukiiko nempagara mutunga sente zanyu ahonaaho. Vookya yakabiri neyetenga kugigambaho naba memba ba guruupu enkye ahamitwarize yenshashura yamagoba ga 2021 na 2022.

 4. Mwaruga omurukiiko rwempagara, mutware vookya eya 2 omu rukiiko rwa guruupu enkye na bakama bamataka kusharamu ahabicweka byembagana yamagoba ga buri muntu aga 2021 na 2022. Nimwija kutunga obuhabuzi okumuratwaze omu kuguuba ahantwaza na vookya yanyu. Nimwija kushoma aakashonshoreki omwihurire eri ahamuheru omumuratwaze omuguurupu enkye. 5. Handiika amaziina ga ba memba nebicweka byamagoba agubaratungye ahamuheru gwa vookya egi. 6. Garura vookya eteirweho emikono omurukiiko rwa guruupu orwempagara reeru mutungye sente zanyu ahonaho. Mwaheza kutwara vookya zorubiri ziine emikono yabamemba wa guruupu zempanga nimuba mwaheza entwaza yeshanshura yamagoba yoona. Mukurike. Buri omwe atwarizibwe omuburinganiza, burikwegamira ahabirikurugamu. Ekigaaniro ahamigamire yamagoba omu guruupu. Amatembezo: 1.

 Yeta orukiiko rwaba memba baguruupu 

boona na bakam bamataka abbahiare kubyaramu emiti. 2. Mwetegyereze ku endagaano egi neyokushashura amagoba ga 2021 na 2022. 3. Muganiire aha bicweka bya buri muntu ebyaragambe MAY 2022 TIST UGANDA NEWSLETTER kurugirira amaani agateire omkureeberera emiti okugibyara, okutendekwa, okubendeeka, kukora amahega agarikutwara enku nkye, emitwarize mirungi ya TIST nebindi. Ebimuragambeho 

• Obushoborozi aheitaka tikirikuhangaho kaboni omumiti kureka nemipimire mirungi yobwingi bwa kaboni erugire omu miti ebyairwe aha eitaka eryo.

 • Emiti ku eratemwe, omuhendo nigugwa reeru TIST niyo erikujunaana okufeerwa kwatamu ezindi kandi amagoba tigarashashurwe.

 • Waaba ataine ndagano yokubyara emiti aha eitaka ryona reeba ngu wagira obuhame obu orayorekye omubazi. 

• Teekateeka aha bantu batandikireho TIST bakabyara emiti kindi ekagumaho, bakareetaho enkiiko zaguruupu enkye nezempagara, bakaheza okutendeka nabo abakuhagire obukungu kubyara emiti baaheereze emitiinisa.

 • Teekateeka ahamukama weitaka nawe atungye amagoba. Noomanya ota ngu embagana yaaba eyoburinganiza? • Omu micwe ya TIST nitwikiriza buri omwe kuba omwesigwa aharimutaahi we kandi nokuba omuheereza wondiijo. Tugyendere ahakiragiro ekirikugira ngu buri omwe atwarizibwe nkoku yaakubaire naayenda bamutwarize.

 • Nikwe turikukora omushashura ngu buri omwe agire oburingaaniza. Nitukora eki omu miring ebiri - Ekyobanza nitubara taani za kaboni ezarugire omu miti kandi zikabarwa aba zaaguziibwe nari zitakaguziibwe. - Ekyokabiri, guruupu yaaba etagungire kasiimo akahwaireho enyima, hati neetunga omurundi ogu hamwe nogwenyima kwenda kugira oburiingaaniza. Buri omwe naateekwa kugra. Oburinganiza nokutwarizibwa kurugirira kurugirira ahabwarugire omukubara.

LOK ANGEYA IKOM CUL ME TIST KIT MA GIBIPOKO CENTE ME CARBON ME 2021 Macokcok-ki, wabicako poko karatac me culu cente me carbon me mwaka 2021, man tye ki kwena mogo mabeco i ye ki i kenyo dul matino 8,000 gibiculu-gi, man omede nia Iki dul matino 2,000. Ki I Uganda, dul makato 2,600 gidinongo cul, omede nia ki i million 290 pi mwaka 2021, man kato me mwaka mukato ni ki cente million 1,600 I 2020. 1. Kenya, wa bi poko cente makato million 290 pi mwaka 2021, man kato me mwaka mukato ni ki cente million 173 I Uganda, wabipoko cente makato 7.8, makato me 2020 ki cente maromo million 3.5 wakelo bene alokaloka i kit me poko cente me carbon. Man obikelo alokaloka i kit majwii onongo gi poko cente wek wek dano ducu matiyo i dul pa TIST onong cente me carbon. Man obikelo alokaloka ikit majwii onongo ki poko cente. Alokaloka magi gi coyo-gi ping ka gimiyo bot lutic pa dul madit. NGO MA MEDO KERO, PEK PA CARBON Wel pek pa yamo carbon ma yat-ni ocamo dit loyo wel yadi ma i poto-ni wa ki carbon ma yadi magi camo. Pek pa yamo i TIST (Tonnes) wel-gi kato wel pek pa yamo mukene (Carbon) ma pat ki pa TIST man pien TIST tye ki jam mukene ma en medo i kom carbon. En hjami magi aye Okello mot me TIST Triple Gold CCB status ma aa ki bot verra pi tic pa lupur i TIST, magitiyo ki keno ma pe balo yen, PINGO KARAAC 2 ME CUL. Kit macalo nen kwede malo ni, TIST tye ka nongo cente makato dul mukene ni ki cente me culu carbon. Man pien ni Lupur pa TIST tye ka tiyo tic ma konyo ngom, jami makwo ma konyo gangi-gi ke yot kum-gi, medo kero me lim i cing gi roco dog kulu, ki jami mogo mukene ni weng weko wabedo ki awaka i TIST. Man teloke ni, wanongo cente mabup, me apoka bot Lupur ki lutic pa TIST ducu. Dong, karatac me cul me aceli-li, obedo cente me carbon ma aaki i kom yat. Walego-wu me miyo tam i kit ma omyero- wa, Triple Gold certificate, SDG, ki i kom jami ma pet ye i dongo pa yadi. Wa lego wu me moko tam ikin-wu kit ma mugoba magi omyero gi pok kwede. Anga ma otiyo matek loyo ki i dul-wu? Anga ma otiyo tic matek pi dul ma tidi ki dul madit? Joni eno omyero gunong mugoba makato luwotgi, ka ni gitim jami I yoo matir. KARATAC ME CUL ME 2021 OBIWOTO KI MAN Dul 

matidi-wu obenongo karatac me cul 2 pi 2021  1st , 2/3 me cente magi bi culo ki dul matino pi pito yen.  2nd , 1/3 me cente magibiculu ki dul matino ma aa ki i tic mukene mapat ki pito yen i TIST. Magi aye yoo ma gibilubo ni cake i nongo karatac me 1 waa i cul pi karatac me 2. Pi karatac me 1; gi bi lubo yoo majwii-ni me poko cente. 1. 00 I kacoke ma dit me dwee kamo ibinongo iye karatac me 1 ki me 2 me cul. 2. I ngee kacoke, te karatach me cul me 1 bot lumemba-wu wek giket iye cing-gi. 3. Dwok karatac me cul ma giketo iye cing-ni i kacoke malubo me dwee, wek i nong cente-ni cut-cut. Pi karatac me cul 2 ni, ubi moko tam i kit me poko cul me 2021 ki 2022. 4. I ngee kacoke me dwee, take karatac me cul oo bot lumemba ci umok kit mamyero angar otee cente adi (wa ki wegi ngom) kwede pi cul me 2021 ki 2022 weng. Gibi nyutu-it wu kit ma man omyero otime kwede. 5. Coo ning danoki cente adi ma gi binongo i ngee karatac me cul meno. 6. Dwok karatac me cul magiketo iye cing i kacoke me dwee malubo wek i nong cut-cut. Kadong i dwoko karatac me cul 2 weng bot latic pi dul madit, nongo dong ityeko jami ducu ma mite me cul me 2021, pwoc boti !!