www.tist.org. Email: info@tist.org Tel. +255784-537720
In this newsletter, we are going to have a CCBA Public Comments and a story:
(i) CCBA Public Comments Requested, TIST TZ PD-VCS 011 (ID 4881), Verification 01
(ii) I am so grateful for the pre payments from TIST which motivates me to continue planting more trees for carbon business.
(iii) CCBA Public Comments Requested
TIST TZ PD-VCS 011 (ID 4881), Verification 01
Clean Air Action Corporation (CAAC) and Ukuzaji Maendeleo Endelevu Tanzania Limited (UMET) are pleased to announce their intent to verify TIST Program in Tanzania, VCS-011 (ID 4881) under Verra’s Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB) standards.
To receive the validation and verification, CAAC must demonstrate, among other things, that TIST is beneficial to climate, community and biodiversity. CAAC has submitted a monitoring report (MR) to Verra (the entity that manages VCS and CCB) and to AENOR INTERNACIONAL S.A.U., a CCB certified auditor. The project is seeking gold level certification in all three categories; climate, community and
We are required to disseminate the monitoring plan and results. For those of you with internet access, including at a cyber café or mobile phone, we welcome you to visit this webpage where the report and other documents are available for review. TZ011, ID 4881:https://registry.verra.org/app/projectDetail/VCS/4881
In addition there is a link where comments may be submitted (just below the map). The comment period is open until 22 May 2024.
We also provide a TIST project page where additional documentation is available:
TZ011: http://www.tist.org/PD-TZ-VCS011%20Documents.php
For those without Internet, the monitoring results will published in an upcoming Habari Moto Moto, the TIST Tanzania newsletter.
The following summarizes the MR:
Project Proponent: Clean Air Action Corporation
Area of Interest: All of Tanzania with a focus on Mpwapwa and Kongwa districts in Dodoma,Gairo districts in Morogoro, Kakonko and Kibondo Districts in Kigoma region.
First Monitoring Period: 01-January-2000 and ending 10-December-2023.
Project Description: The primary project activity is planting trees for climate, community and biodiversity benefits. The project also provides sustainable development training. The project expects to plant over 1 million new trees providing a source for 4 million tonnes of carbon removal The carbon, sold as VCUs, will generate a community benefit of direct cash income to the farmers based on a 70% profit share agreement. Biodiversity will benefit from the new indigenous trees, fruit trees and areas that provide stepping stones and corridors for wildlife.
TIST was designed to benefit poor farmers. As such the stakeholders were identified as subsistence farmers in Tanzania. TIST determined all communities of these farmers were eligible if there were enough farmers in an area that wanted to join so that TIST could administer them, if they qualified under the Verra rules, that they were willing to follow the rules of the TIST program and sign a GHG contract. Other stakeholders are local NMR related NGOs and various government agencies that were identified as part of the relationship building taken place since the TIST program was established in Tanzania.
Climate, community and biodiversity objectives
Climate Adaptation: TIST trains farmers to use climate resilient planting techniques. The program supports farmers in organizing to meet challenges of climate change, and to develop strategies for issues such as high winds, draught,
and erosion.
Community: This project has substantial economic and non-economic benefits for poor farmers, including carbon income, improved crop yields, new crops, education, health trainings, and leadership development.
Biodiversity: The project will plant thousands of indigenous trees while supporting critical ecosystems.
We are seeking gold level CCB certification for the project.
Climate Change Adaptation Benefits: The project is expected to remove 4,099,577 tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere over the 60 year life. TIST members are trained in Conservation Farming to help address climate resiliency. The PD documents thousands of trees that help retain soil moisture, provide shade and prevent erosion. TIST provides new community organization in the form of Clusters and Small Groups.
Exceptional Community Benefit: TIST is demonstrated to be pro-poor in a poor area and have net positive impacts on the community. Farmer members generate and receive short- and long term benefits. TIST trains farmers in many sustainable
development programs that, when implemented, generate benefits to well-being.
They grow trees and receive a share of the carbon revenues. They determine where to grow their trees, what species to grow that will be most beneficial to their well-being and how many to plant.
Exceptional Biodiversity Benefits:
Jacaranda mimosifolia is listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List. The population trend is assessed as decreasing. TIST farmers in this PD have planted and maintain hundreds of Jacaranda mimosifolia, a clear, direct benefit to the species.
(ii) I am so grateful for the pre payments from TIST which motivates me to continue planting more trees for carbon business.
My name is Mathayo Ibrahimu, I joined TIST in 2003. I am a member of Iukanya group from Nyange Mabamba village in Kibondo district. In our group we have a total of 7,706 trees.
Since I joined TIST I have learned many things like; how to grow seedlings, planting trees, how to make good and energy serving jikos, animal husbandry, how to practice Conservation Farming and horticulture. I was very happy for the TIST Tanzania Program to be revived after being inactive for a long time. I am proud being part of the TIST Program, I have gained many benefits from this Program; firstly I have forest from the trees I planted where I gain a lot from my forest such as clean air, fruits, herbal medicines, trees for building, and making furniture, firewood from fallen tree branches and pruning trees. Second, I get a pre-payment from my trees that are expected to enter the carbon business to get more income.
Due to the payment I receive from TIST, the selling of seedlings as well as selling the tree products has helped me to build a nice house, I have got the capital and started tomato farming. The income I get from selling tomatoes helps me to pay my children's school fees and a balance remained I used as a capital to start raising chickens and pigs; until now I have reached the number of 30 chickens and 7 pigs.
The community around me is very impressed by the work I do as the new way
of gaining income rather than depending on farming only. My tomato garden has become a learning place, where various groups, my fellow believers and other community members are coming to learn from me. Learning from me has helped them to start their gardens and raising animals.
I am very grateful for TIST program; has made me a good Farmer with knowledge and creativity due to the various things I learned from the Cluster Servants. I am so thankful for the pre payments from TIST which motivates me to continue planting more trees. Personally, every year I plant a lot of trees, for example this year I have planted an area of four acres with a total number of 2400 trees. I encourage my community around me and my fellow group members to continue planting trees in abundance.
What do we create?
1) We create team work – by doing things this way; we end up working as a team.
2) We create capacity- we create organization, strength, and a system that is strong.
3) We create enjoyment – we see results, we accomplish big things that we enjoy.
4) We create Big Results - Big results in planting trees, in Conservation Farming and from other projects and business that we do.
5) We create Low Budget/Cost, yet we achieve big results.
1) We are Honest.
2) We are Accurate.
3) We are Transparent
4) We are Servants to each other.
5) We are Mutually Accountable to Each Other.
6) Low Budget, Big Results.
What do we do?
1) We plant different species of trees for long – term.
2) We find ways to improve our health.
3) We practice Conservation Farming.
4) We do other projects and businesses (sustainable agriculture, nurseries, citrus growing, dairy goats and farming, chickens, bee keeping, fishponds and fish
keeping, silkworm farming etc.)
5) We sell carbon credits.
We are introducing Cluster Servant ELISIA THOBIAS from Biturana village Kibondo district. she joined TIST in the year 2023.
Elisia serves two (2) Clusters: Mkabuye and Nyaruyoba Clusters. Experienced in farming, quantification (tree counting), recruitment of new Small Groups and data entry into Pendragon. She is also managing farmers and instructing them on Conservation Farming provides TIST seminars to the Small Groups across the whole TIST Program in Tanzania.
If you have any questions, or you need help on how to join the TIST Program, you may contact her through; 0752847441
www.tist.org. Email: info@tist.org Tel. +255784-537720
Katika jarida hili, tutakuwa maoni ya wadau na hadithi:
(i) Ombi la Maoni ya Wadau ya CCBA, TIST TZ PD-VCS 011 (ID 4881), Uthibitishaji 01
(ii) Ninashukuru sana TIST kwa kuweza kutupa malipo ya awali (pre payments) ambayo yamenihamasisha kuendelea kupanda miti zaidi ili kuingia kwenye biashara ya kaboni
(i) Ombi la Maoni ya Wadau ya CCBA
TIST TZ PD-VCS 011 (ID 4881), Uthibitishaji 01
Clean Air Action Corporation (CAAC) na Ukuzaji Maendeleo Endelevu Tanzania
Limited (UMET) wanayofuraha kutangaza nia yao ya kuthibitisha Mpango wa TIST nchini Tanzania, VCS-011 (ID 4881) chini ya viwango vya Verra’s Climate, Community and Biodiversity(CCB).
Ili kupata uthibitishaji na uidhinishaji, CAAC lazima ionyeshe, pamoja na mambo mengine kwamba TIST ina manufaa kwenye hali ya hewa, jamii na viumbe hai. CAAC iliwasilisha taarifa ya ufuatiliaji (MR) Verra (chombo kinachosimamia VCS na CCB) na kwa AENOR INTERNACIONAL S.A.U., mkaguzi aliyeidhinishwa na CCB.
Mradi unatarajia kupata cheti cha kiwango cha juu zaidi katika nyanja zote tatu yaani mambo ya hali ya hewa, jamii na (Bioanuwai) viumbe hai.
Tunatakiwa kusambaza mpango wa ufuatiliaji na matokeo. Kwa wale walio na Mtandao, ikijumuisha kwenye vibanda vya mtandao au simu janja, tunakukaribisha kutembelea anuani hii, ukurasa wa tovuti ambapo taarifa na nyaraka zingine zinapatikana kwa ukaguzi.
TZ011, ID 4881:https://registry.verra.org/app/projectDetail/VCS/4881.
Kwa kuongezea kuna kiunga ambacho maoni yanaweza kuwasilishwa (chini kidogo ya ramani). Kipindi cha maoni kimefunguliwa hadi tarehe 22 Mei 2024.
Pia tunatoa ukurasa wa mradi wa TIST ambapo nyaraka za ziada zinapatikana:
Kwa wale wasio na Mtandao, matokeo ya ufuatiliaji yatachapishwa kwenye jarida lijalo la Habari Moto Moto, jarida la TIST Tanzania.
Ufuatao ni Muhtasari wa Taarifa ya Ufuatiliaji, MR:
Mfadhili wa Mradi:Clean Air Action Corporation
Eneo la Mradi: Tanzania yote kwa kuanzia Wilaya za Mpwapwa na Kongwa kwa Mkoa wa Dodoma, Gairo kwa Mkoa wa Morogoro, Kakonko na Kibondo kwa Mkoa wa Kigoma.
Kipindi cha Kwanza cha Ufuatiliaji: 01-Januari-2000 na kumalizika 10-Desemba-2023
Maelezo ya Mradi: Shughuli ya msingi ya mradi ni kupanda miti kwa manufaa ya Hali ya Hewa, Jamii na Viumbe Hai. Mradi pia unatoa mafunzo ya maendeleo endelevu. Mradi unatarajia kupanda miti mipya zaidi ya milioni 1, ikiwa ni chanzo cha uondoaji wa tani milioni 4 za hewa ya Kaboni, Kaboni inayouzwa kama VCUs, itazalisha faida kwa jamii ya kipato cha fedha taslimu kwa wakulima kulingana na gawiwo la faida ya 70% kwa mujibu wa makubaliano.
Bioanuwai itafaidika kutokana na miti mipya ya asili, miti ya matunda na maeneo ambayo hutoa vivuko na makazi kwa ajili ya wanyamapori.
TIST iliundwa ili kuwanufaisha wakulima maskini. Kwa hiyo mdau alitambuliwa kama mkulima mdogo nchini Tanzania. TIST iliamua jamii yote ya wakulima hawa walistahiki ikiwa kulikuwa na wakulima wa kutosha katika maeneo ambayo walitaka kujiunga ili TISTiweze kuwasimamia, ikiwa watafaulu kuwa chini ya sheria za Verra, ambazo walikuwa tayari kufuata sheria za mpango wa TIST
na kusaini mkataba wa GHG. Wadau wengine ni Mashirika yasiyo ya kiserikali (NGOs) zinazohusiana na NMR za mitaa na mashirika mbalimbali ya serikali ambayo yalitambuliwa kama sehemu ya ujenzi wa uhusiano uliofanyika tangu mpango wa TIST ulipoanzishwaTanzania.
Malengo ya Hali ya Hewa, Jamii na Viumbe Hai.
Kukabiliana na Tabianchi: TIST huwafundisha wakulima kutumia mbinu za upandaji miti inayostahimili hali ya hewa. Mpango huu unasaidia wakulima katika kuandaa kukabiliana na changamoto za mabadiliko ya tabianchi, na kuandaa mikakati ya masuala kama vile upepo mkali, ukame na mmomonyoko wa udongo.
Jamii: Mradi huu una manufaa makubwa ya kiuchumi na yasiyo ya kiuchumi kwa wakulima maskini, ikijumuisha mapato ya kaboni, uboreshaji wa mazao, mazao mapya, elimu, afya, mafunzo, na maendeleo ya uongozi.
Bioanuwai/Viumbe Hai: Mradi utapanda maelfu ya miti ya asili huku ukisaidia mifumo muhimu ya ikolojia.
Bioanuwai/Viumbe Hai: Mradi utapanda maelfu ya miti ya asili huku ukisaidia mifumo muhimu ya ikolojia.
Manufaa ya Kukabiliana na Mabadiliko ya Tabianchi: Mradi unatarajiwa kuondoa tani 4,099,577 za hewa ya Kaboni kutoka angani kwamuda wa miaka 60. Wanachama wa TIST wanafundishwa Kilimo Hifadhi ili kusaidia kukabiliana na ustahimilivu wa hali ya hewa. Andiko hili linahifadhi maelfu ya miti inayosaidia
kuhifadhi unyevu wa udongo, kutoa kivuli na kuzuia mmomonyoko wa udongo. TIST hunatoa ushirika mpya wa kijamii katika mfumo wa Vikundi na Vikundi Vidogo.
Manufaa ya Kipekee ya Jamii: TIST imeonesha kuwa inapendelea maskini katika
eneo maskini na kuwa na matokeo chanya kwa jamii. Wakulima wanachama huzalisha na kupata faida za muda mfupi na mrefu. TIST inatoa
mafunzo mbalimbali ya maendeleo endelevu kwa wakulima, inapotekelezwa, huleta manufaa na ustawi. Wao hupanda miti na kupokea sehemu ya
mapato ya kaboni. Wanaamua wapi wapande miti yao, ni aina gani ya miti ambayo itakuwa ya manufaa zaidi kwa ustawi wao na wapi wapande.
Manufaa ya Kipekee ya Bioanuwai/Viumbe Hai: Jacaranda mimosifolia imeorodheshwa kwenye Orodha Nyekundu ya IUCN kama miti iliyo hatarini
kutoweka. Mwenendo wa idadi ya yake unatathiminiwa kuwa unapungua. Wakulima wa TIST katika andiko hili wamepanda na kudumisha mamia ya miti aina ya Jacaranda mimosifolia, faida ya wazi ya moja kwa moja kwa aina hii ya miti.
• PA ni eneo la mradi, pia huitwa shamba.
Kwa maswali, tafadhali wasiliana na CharlieWilliams@CleanAirAction.com
(ii) Ninashukuru sana TIST kwa kuweza kutupa malipo ya awali (pre payments) ambayo yamenihamasisha kuendelea kupanda miti zaidi ili kuingia kwenye biashara ya kaboni
Naitwa Mathayo Ibrahimu, nilijiunga na TIST mwaka 2003 kikundi changu kinaitwa Iukanya, kipo kijiji cha Nyange Mabamba wilaya ya Kibondo. Kwenye kikundi chetu tuna jumla ya miti 7,706.
Tangu nilipojiunga na TIST nimejifunza mambo mengi kama; namna ya kuotesha na kupanda miti, jinsi ya kutengeneza majiko banifu, ufugaji, jinsi ya kulima Kilimo Hai na kilimo cha bustani. Nilifurahi sana kwa Mpango wa TIST Tanzania kuhuishwa tena baada ya kutokuwa hai kwa kipindi kirefu. Nikiwa ndani ya Mpango wa TIST nimepata faida nyingi, kwanza nina msitu kutokana na miti
niliyopanda ambapo ninapata vitu vingi kutokana na msitu wangu; mfano hewa safi, matunda, madawa ya asili, miti ya kujengea, na kutengenezea samani, kuni
kutokana na matawi ya miti yanayoanguka na matawi ya miti inapopunguziwa. Pili ninapata malipo ya ya awali (pre payment) kutokana na miti yangu inayotarajiwa kuingia kwenye biashara ya kaboni ili kupata mapato Zaidi.
Kutokana na malipo niliyolipwa na TIST, kuuza miche ya miti pamoja na kuuza mazao ya miti niliyonayo imenisaidia kununua mabati na nimejenga nyumba nzuri ya kuishi, nimepata mtaji na kuanzisha kilimo cha nyanya. Kilimo hiki kinanipatia faida ambayo inanisaidia kulipa karo za watoto na nimepata tena mtaji wa kufuga kuku na nguruwe,mpaka sasa nimefikisha idadi ya kuku 30 na nguruwe 7.
Jamii inayonizunguka imevutiwa sana kutokana na kilimo cha bustan ninachofanya pamoja na ufugaji wa kuku na nguruwe kuliko kutegemea kilimo peke yake. Bustani yangu imekuwa ni bustani ya kujifunzia, wanavikundi, waumini wenzangu na wanajamii wengine wanakuja kujifunza kwangu. Kujifunza kutoka kwangu kumewasaidia na wao kuweza kuanzisha kilimo cha bustani na ufugaji.
Ninaishukuru sana TIST kwa Mpango huu ambao umenifanya niwe Mkulima mzuri
mwenye ujuzi na mbunifu kutokana na vitu mbalimbali nilivyojifunza kutoka kwa
watumishi wa Klasta. Ninashukuru sana TIST kwa kuweza kutupa malipo ya awali (pre payments) ambayo yamehamasisha kuendelea kupanda miti zaidi. Mimi binafsi kila mwaka huwa napanda miti kwa wingi, mfano mwaka huu pekee nimepanda eneo la ekari nne lenye idadi ya miti 2400. Ninawahamasisha na
wanakikundi wenzangu tuendelee kupanda miti kwa wingi.
Tunaunda nini?
1) Tunaunda kazi ya timu— kwa kufanya mambo kwa kufanya kazi kama timu.
2) Tunajenga Uwezo-tunaunda shirika, nguvu, na mfumo ambao ni imara.
3) Tunafanya mambo yanayotufurahisha-tunaona matokeo, tunatimiza mambo makubwa ambayo tunafurahia
4) Tunafanya mambo yanayoleta matokeo makubwa- matokeo makubwa ya upandaji miti. matokeo
makubwa katika Kilimo Hai na matokeo makubwa kutokana na miradi na biashara zingine tunazofanya.
5) Tunatumia gharama ndogo za Utawala, lakini tunapata
1) Sisi ni Waaminifu
2) Sisi Tunatoa Taarifa Sahihi
3) Sisi ni Wawazi
4) Sisi Tunatumikiana
5) Sisi ni Wawajibikaji
6) Bajeti Ndogo, Matokeo Makubwa
Tunafanya Nini?
1) Tunapanda aina mbalimbali za miti itakayodumu kwa muda mrefu.
2) Tunafanya mambo kuboresha afya zetu.
3) Tunafanya Kilimo Hai.
4) Tunafanya miradi na biashara zingine.
5) Tunafanya biashara ya hewa ya kaboni.
Tunamtambulisha Mtumishi wa Klasta ELISIA THOBIAS kutoka kijiji cha Biturana wilaya ya Kibondo. Alijiunga na TIST mwaka 2023.
Elisia anatumikia Klasta mbili (2): Mkabuye na Nyaruyoba. Ana Uzoefu wa Upimaji (kuhesabu miti) kilimo na Kuviunganisha Vikundi Vidogo Vidogo vipya kwenye Mpango wa TIST na kuingiza takwimu
kwenye Pendragon. Kadhalika ni mzoefu wa kusimamia wakulima na kuwaelekeza mbinu bora za kilimo na kutoa semina za TIST kwa Vikundi Vidogo Vidogo katika Mpango mzima wa TIST nchini
Ikiwa una maswali yoyote, au unahitaji usaidizi jinsi ya kujiunga na Mpango wa TIST, unaweza kuwasiliana naye kupitia 0752847441