May 2021
Verification Dear Small
Group Members, we are very happy to let you all know that we are doing our project verification for the monitoring period 30 December 2017 – 15 March 2021. You all know that TIST Program is for the farmers and is run by the farmers and that TIST Program addresses the needs of Climate, Community and Biodiversity, which are critical issues throughout the world. Due to lock down we would be not be having field visit, but we would have virtual visit and virtual meetings / interviews. If you are invited for the interview, feel free to talk about your groves, your development through TIST Program and share your valuable thoughts if any for the improvement of the program. We hereby share with you all the Project Summary of the Verification Report UG PD-VCS001, Verification 03.
TIST Tree Planting India Pvt. Ltd Flat A, Plot 69, 26 th Street, Sankar Nagar, Pammal, Chennai 600075. Mobile : 9840299822 Email: Skype: a.joseph.rexon / Web:
TIST Program in India, VCS-001, Verification 03
This is a summary of Clean Air Action Corporation and TIST Tree Planting India Private Limited’s Monitoring Report, prepared for their application for validation under the Climate, Community and Biodiversity standard. The standard requires that a summary be provided in the common language of the community where the project is located.
Project Title: TIST Program in India, VCS-001
Project ID: VCSPD994 Version: Version 01
Report ID: UG PD-VCS-001, Verification 03
Date of Issue: 15 March 2021
Project Location: India, Tamil Nadu
Project Proponent(s): Clean Air Action Corporation (CAAC), 4112 Timbervale Drive, Evergreen CO, USA 80439. Telephone 720-394-212. Email: Website:
Prepared By: Charlie Williams, Telephone 720-394-212. Email: Validation Body: AENOR Internacional, S.A.U. Jose Luis Fuentes Perez. Génova, 6. 28004 MADRID, SPAIN. Telephone: (+34) 915 294 961.,
GHG Accounting Period: 01 January 2004 - 31 December 2033
Monitoring Period of this Report: 30 December 2017 – 15 March 2021
History of CCB Status: Validation, Second Edition: 07-March-2013 First Verification, Second Edition: 07-March-2013 (01 January 2004 to 12 November 2012) Second Verification, Third Edition: 27-Oct-2018 (13 November 2012 to 29 December 2017) Third Verification, Third Edition: This report
Gold Level Criteria
Climate Change Adaptation Benefits
The TIST IN 001 has removed more than 220,000 tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere. TIST members are trained in Conservation Farming to help address climate resiliency. This PD documents over 1,412,000 trees that help retain soil moisture, provide shade and prevent erosion. TIST provides new community organization in the form of Clusters and Small Groups.
Exceptional Community Benefits
Demonstrated to be pro-poor in a poor area and with net positive impacts on community. Farmer members generate and receive short- and long term benefits. TIST trains farmers in many sustainable development programs that when implemented generate benefits to well-being. They grow trees and receive a share of the carbon revenues. They determine where to grow their tree, what species to grow that will be most beneficial to their well-being and how many to plant. During this period, the average farmer has received $346 in monetized benefits. As separate classes, the average vulnerable and women member has received $369 and $564, respectively.
Exceptional Biodiversity Benefits
Pterocarpus Santalinus (Red Sandalwood) is a very rare form of sandalwood endemic to southeastern India and the Eastern Ghats. It is listed as near threatened on the IUCN Red List. TIST farmers in this PD have planted and maintain 96,717 Pterocarpus Santalinus a clear, direct benefit to the species.
Project Summary
The International Small Group and Tree Planting Program (TIST) empowers Small Groups of subsistence farmers in India, Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania to combat the devastating effects of deforestation, poverty and drought. Combining sustainable development with carbon sequestration, TIST supports the reforestation and biodiversity efforts of over 100,000 subsistence farmers, worldwide. Carbon credit sales generate participant income and provide project funding to address agricultural, HIV/AIDS, nutritional and fuel challenges. As TIST expands to more groups and more areas, it ensures more trees, more biodiversity, more climate change benefit and more income for more people.
Since its inception in 1999, TIST participants organized into over 13,000 TIST Small Groups members have planted over 19 million trees on their own and community lands. GHG sequestration is creating a long-term income stream and is supporting sustainable environments and livelihoods. TIST in India began in 2004 and has grown to over 7,000 TIST participants in over 1,300 Small Groups.
Unique Project Benefits
Outcome or Impact Achievements during Monitoring Period Achievements during the Project Lifetime 1) Carbon payments to all TIST members. $16,524 $148,275 2) Members in PD 5,599 people; 2,072 women; 3,438 men (difference undifferentiated) 5,599 people; 2,072 women; 3,438 men (difference undifferentiated) 3) Total monetized benefits to the average (generally poor) TIST member. $346 $1,878 4) Total monetized benefits to the average vulnerable TIST member. $369 $2,002 5) Total monetized benefits to the average female TIST member. $3,063 $565
Standardized Benefit Metrics
Metric Achievements during Monitoring Period Achievements during the Project Lifetime Net estimated emission removals in the project area, measured against the without-project scenario 109,485 this period 230,011 For ARR projects: Number of hectares of forest cover increased in the project area measured against the without-project scenario 63 ha decrease 2,188 ha Number of hectares of non-forest land in which improved land management has occurred as a result of the project’s activities, measured against the without-project scenario 63 ha decrease 2,188 ha Total number of community members who have improved skills and/or knowledge resulting from training provided as part of project activities -29 people; -11 women; - 18 men 5,599 people; 2,072 women; 3,438 men (difference undifferentiated). Number of female community members who have improved skills and/or knowledge resulting from training provided as part of project activities of project activities -11 women 2,072 women Total number of people employed in of project activities, expressed as number of full time employees 14 salaried employees, 2 contractors, 10 volunteers 14 salaried employees, 2 contractors, 10 volunteers Number of women employed in project activities, expressed as number of full time employees 3 salaried employees, 9 volunteers 3 salaried employees, 9 volunteers Total number of people with improved livelihoods or income generated as a result of project activities -29 people 5,599 people Number of women with improved livelihoods or income generated as a result of project activities -11 women 2,072 women
Project Description Deviations
Quantification Every Year: While counting trees and collecting circumference every five years is a requirement of the methodology, visiting every PA every year was simply an operational goal. Not making annual visits does not impact the applicability of the methodology, additionality or the appropriateness of the baseline scenario. That it was an operational goal was clearly stated in Section 3.4.1 of IN PD-CCB-001, “Multiple Quantifications: TIST’s internal goal is to quantify each project area once per year."
Quantification Every Five Years: During preparation of the monitoring report, all PAs that have not been monitored within five years are identified. Because they are outside the time frame stated in the PD, they are not eligible for carbon credits. They remain in the PD but, until they are monitored within five years of the next verification, their removals will be considered zero. This means that remaining PAs must first make up the carbon loss before any new credits can be issued. Not monitoring within 5 years of the MR does not impact the applicability of the methodology, additionality or the appropriateness of the baseline scenario.
Removing Project Activity Instances: While it was expected that there would be a loss of trees from the PD due to harvest, etc., the loss of PAs was not addressed. TIST has addressed it, thusly. When a member or Small Group quits or harvests their trees, or if a PA is found to be removed, they are no longer active in the PD. The name of the grove is kept on the monitoring spreadsheet, the reason for the removal is given in Appendix 14, and the carbon sequestered from the PA is zeroed out. This deviation does not impact the methodology applicability, additionality or the baseline scenario. The outcome is that the loss of a PA is acknowledged and its accrued GHG removals are considered zero.
Optional Criterion: Climate Change Adaptation Benefits: In this MR we are seeking optional gold level for Climate Change Adaption Benefits. This deviation does not impact the methodology applicability, additionality or the baseline scenario. The outcome is that PD is applying for the CCB Climate Change Adaption Benefit.
Optional Criterion: Exceptional Biodiversity Benefits: In this MR we are seeking optional gold level for Exceptional Biodiversity Benefits. This deviation does not impact the methodology applicability, additionality or the baseline scenario. The outcome is that PD is applying for the CCB Exceptional Biodiversity Benefit.
Positive Climate Benefits
The project demonstrates 109,485 net GHG removals (tCO2e) to date.
Positive Community Benefits
The project demonstrates that a cumulative of $148,275 has been paid to the members. The average member has received $346 in total sustainable development benefits during verification period.
Positive Biodiversity Benefits
The project demonstrates that as of the end of the monitoring period there were 1,275,890 indigenous trees covering 1,803 hectares.
Positive Biodiversity
Benefits The project demonstrates that as of the end of the monitoring period there were 1,275,890 indigenous trees covering 1,803 hectares.
Results of Monitoring Plan
Climate Monitoring Plan Results
1. Total hectares of the project: 2,138 hectares.
2. Number of discrete project areas (PAs): 2,647 total project areas
3. Location and boundary of project areas: KML files available on request
4. List of Project Areas: Excel spreadsheet available on request
5. Circumference Data: Excel spreadsheet available on request
6. Tree data including count and species: Tree count is 1,412,756. Excel spreadsheet with specific details available on request.
7. Carbon sequestration data by Strata: Excel spreadsheet available on request
8. Total Carbon Sequestered. Lifetime: 230,011. PIR Period: 109,485.
Optional Criterion: Climate Change Adaptation Benefits
Drawdown of CO2: Ultimately, climate change must be addressed through the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere. Thus far, TIST IN farmers have removed more than 230,000 tonnes of CO2.
Food Security: TIST trains farmers on climate resilient agricultural techniques. From the community survey over 25% of the TIST members in India have benefitted from conservation farming. TIST Trains the farmers to use the available natural resources effectively for multiple farm-based activities like tree cultivation, intercrops and other crops to get multiple sustainable incomes. TIST farmers have are maintaining 196,205 fruit and nut trees in this PD. TIST trains the farmers to enrich the soil using biological materials and plant trees that are indigenous that would allow other flora and fauna to thrive. Ninety percent of the tree in this PD are indigenous.
Trees: Trees retain moisture and create microclimates on TIST participants farms. Trees provide shade to cool farms and introduce new organic matter to restore soil health. This makes farms more productive in adverse conditions. Trees prevent erosion and can serve as windbreaks when planted near structures. Landslides are prevalent in India. There are 1.4 million trees in this PD.
Community Organization: TIST farmers organize themselves in local and regional groups that share knowledge in monthly Node meetings. These meetings provide an opportunity for farmers to share experiences and find locally appropriate solutions to local issues. This organization makes TIST farmers better able to navigate the challenges posed by climate change. There are 19 active Nodes in TIST India.
Community Monitoring Plan Results
1. Number of Small Group members in PD (male and female). 5,599 people; 2,072 women; 3,438 men (difference undifferentiated).
2. Number of Small Groups in PD. 1,086.
3. Number of community members in TIST India (male and female). 7,186 people; 2,691 women; 4,349 men (difference undifferentiated).
4. Number of Small Groups in TIST India. 1,383.
5. Number of community members in PD adopting natural resource management practices. 5,599 people; 2,072 women; 3,438 men (difference undifferentiated).
6. Number of community members in India with greenhouse gas agreements with TIST. 5,635 people; 2,109 women; 3,526 men.
7. Total carbon payments to community. US $148,275.
8. Number of TIST tree groves planted by community members in India. 3,244 groves.
9. Number of live trees planted by TIST Small Groups in India. 1,931,033 trees.
10. Number of fruit or nut trees in TIST PD. 196,205 trees.
11. Number of eucalyptus trees in TIST PD. -0- trees.
12. Number of people employed by TIST or under contract to deliver services. 14 salaried employees, 4 contractors, 10 volunteers
Specific Gold Level Monitoring
13. Monetized benefits to average members. $346 per person during verification period.
14. Monetized benefits to vulnerable members. $369 per person during verification period.
15. Monetized benefits to female members. $565 per person during verification period.
16. Negative impacts identified by members: One member (9% of sample) thought they were “too busy with TIST to do important things I need to do”.
Biodiversity Monitoring Plan Results
1. Number of trees: 1,412,756
2. Total hectares of the project: 2,138 hectares
3. Total hectares in PD with tree cover: 2,138 hectares
4. Number of project areas: 2,647
5. Number of project areas with tree cover: 2,647
6. Number of trees and hectares by species: Excel spreadsheet available on request
7. Number of indigenous trees: 1,275,890
8. Hectares of indigenous trees: 1,803
9. Number of Project Areas with indigenous trees: 2,445
10. Number of indigenous trees and hectares by species: Excel spreadsheet available on request
11. The area and location of each Project Area: Excel spreadsheet available on request
12. KML file that displays the name, location and boundary of each Project Area on Google Earth: File available on request
13. The tree inventory of each Project Area: Excel spreadsheet available on request
14. The date of monitoring of each PA: Excel spreadsheet available on request
Optional Criterion: Gold Level Biodiversity Benefits
15. Number of Pterocarpus Santalinus: 96,717 trees