TIST Uganda Newsletter - January 2011

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THE TREE EE TIST Uganda January 2012 News letter ren © 

skuwEryereTina how bib, oksvejisia rmudeurmaris eAnGURS ENSAITa nckurEndana orsoya onnngi grunt Taning care of trees in your grove and kesping frees for the ong berm, Okuresbereragye amili m'okugirinda kumara obwire chureingwa. Okukora ebedi Ahatwaki pibwelovata ekishaba (Caster)? Ahabwaki clwega kif ekyomugasho shabahing! bemiti aba Tist?

Noormanyaki shard Tist Sharuliza. - EDITORIAL FIHURIRE AYA JANUARY 2012 EIHURIRE RY( KWEZI KWOKUBAMNZA 2012 EDITORS MESSAGE: Last month TIST UEANDA hosted a eam of verifiers/ validaions rom Environmental Service Inc. who went to many groves in Kabale, Kanungu and Bushenyi and promised to make another trip beter this year ends. Thanks to those who recenved thm af your groves, Fant mone indigenous and fruit trees and case for them. Wish you good Fein the New Year, Ara.

CBUTUMWA BWA EDITA: Dla bums chubweine TST Uganda elataayasyisa abeshwaun Demesiya TIST abekigombe Ervironmental Service Inc”. Bakashwiuma amahamba/ eCébira bing om Kabale. Kanungu ne Bushenyi kandi bakaragaanisa kugaruka omwaka ogu gutakativeire. Mwsbars ababahidze ahamurime gwanyu. Maongyare Fitna emit ming yenzanwaneyeabiuma kandi RIES SOR: musya gubabesn: ihoreers. Ara. Olwezi ka kumi neesi abashwijumi bemit kuniga omur 

* Enviromental Service Ine, bakaisa kushwiuma kumanya ku TIST ebyekora biraabe bir ebyamazima kandi bitikire, cluhiriza sbagura craw ngu ebitugamiba shaniimo yebibina ebikye fbi ebitikice kand byamazima. Ehistushani ebyo nibyoreka abo bastwijumi ba ESL orkukuraia aharmukun wa skiing AAD, Charlie Williams, ababazi beri nabebembezi ba 

TIST Uganda baryon nibakwera omukshijuma, nipagima chuhango bwemis noburaingws kuru 2hamud kuza ahagundi. Ekin nikmrska enyeteerana hamwe nehahingi naband bebembez babantu. Niusieria Eabyaz hemi, ahabar basyo sbsbembezi ba TIST nabainire owe! TIST shatwornjinye omuzimbwe pgwalaasise cerurimn ogwo kubwagye. Twianha iggyereize upois eralubagsise fewiirizibva kutendika luguza crm omunnd gurkubandra kinmwe, tisshemeneing uguenizamu nokukurasia shitwegyesiwa nokiAsiema mill ya omubwire bwemyaia 30. Twena hie abeesigwa, abanduhikiriza, sbakekora kyo kyenyini, tubwerane nkokuturikujunanwa ebya bagyenz bai. - Emikorere ya TIST minungi niyo ndugirno yo kutubazsisa KUgUZa OMW0Ya tukaiunga enshagi kurmara emyaka ming 

JANUARY 2HINEWS LETTER In December, validators from Environmental Service Inc. came to audit the TIST to see whether our work hus been accurate and honest ty amsure our carbon credit buyers that what we tell thes about Small Group activities is true and cormect. These photos show the EST Team, Vice Puesadent of CAAC, Charlie Wills, and TIST Quantifiers and staff raking part in the validation, measuring trees and spacing, and meetings with Small Group members and community leaders, We thank the dedicated Small Group members, Cruantzfiers, TIST staff. and SHpOTICTS he worked hard to make this validation trip successful, As we await the results that will permit us to make our first carhon sabe we shoold afl keep our word, follow taming guidelines, and be ily cosmenitted to keeping our frees alive for at least 30 years. Albof os, should be honest, accurate; mansparent, scTve one amotier as we hold each other mutually accourtable.

TEST values are key for successful carbon sales and a sustamable TIST program ard benefits for years to come. WHATHAPPENS INOUREEGULAR TIST SMALL CROUP MEETINGS? Having a plan and schedule for our meetings helps us accomplish 2 lot in 1 short time. By following rotational leadership and practicing (kujengana - building up) we build everyones strengths and benefit from the much sirength of all the people in the Small Group. Greetings and introduction for any new members (5-15 minotes) this is dome fo make sure everyone fools welcomed. With a new pesson in the group, we bss pair share method for introductions. , Opening praver (Zminutes). We do this only if the Froup agrees. We find this 1° helpful way to be together and focus, 3 Songs (5 minutes): Theee arc songs written by oer Small Group member or songs that encourage people (religions somgs, traditional songsk Apreement on task and time (5 minutes) here the beader explains what will be done in the meeting (usually planned af the end of the previous messing) and the group members agree on the task or make any changes that need (0 be made. The time spent is also agreed upon to enable the Co-Leader ¥eep the mesfing 10 time. Groap work on tasks (1 hour):

Hers the Small Group accomplishes the agreed upon tasks. Tasks include: sharing what each person has done to help TIST activities, planning how to work togeliier on a Sroup OUTSERY, reviewing how many frees we have planted and how we are caring for them, sharing best practices and finding solutzons fo shared chalkenges, training mformation, ste (Kujenpana) (5 minutes): Hers each group member makes ome positive, specific statement to that week's leader about one observable thing she did a5 a leader in the meeting that helped it be successful. In addition, amy one can identify & gift seen in the leader Closing prayer (2 minutes): agreed. By Hakim TAKING CARE OF TREES IN YOR GROVE AND KEEFING TREES FOR THE LONG TERM. Taking cane of OUT EOves is very importan for fhe life ol our trees we hive transplanted, Retnember that, if trees arc not well taken care of, they will become weak, lack energy and even die. Like for our own children, or for our crops, making suns {hat the young: have what they need to grow 15 most important for long-term sucess. We need to make sore That we clear brugh that can keep tho you trees from growing well. We should thin tress to preserve those that will grow best with pood spacing. We should remove dead wood and other malzrials that can make dangerous fires, It is also very Important that we remember our commitment io keep these trees is for the loap-lenm. We commit to keep the recs in our groves Tor af least 30 years, [IT we do mot keep this promise, we can lose the ability to sell carbon offsets. IT wiz lose this, itherts all omens in TIST: Letos keep our word and be seeountable to each other and not harvest trees before 30 years. 1 yon do not think you can keep this commitment, you should milk with your Quantifier and TIST Uganda Tenders today. Trees have many important uses for people and animals. Here are some of the important benefits of trees planted by TIST Small Groups: Trees give fresh air that is good for people and imnals. “Trees shsoeh carbon and put it back into fhe soil. -Trecs encourage tain, prevent soil erosion, and give shelter to wild animals. Trees provide firewood for cooking, and provide timber for building, making furnmiune, cic. “Trees give shade and shelter our houses gur houses from wind. ~Trees provide fruit and outs. Those are sore of benefits from tree planting. 

Trees benefit us in 50 THY WEYS in oar daily lives. Therefore, let us all take care of our trees for pur benefits. In order for our trees to grow well, groves require frequent woodmg. Clean groves will make your trees grow Lemlithy and faster. Also when weds are crowded around trees, if may attract dangerous shakes, Meanwhile, weeds take maetricots asd wales from the soil and biock sunlight so trees camo? ase em. Hence trees beoome thinner and unhealihy. In quantification and audits, TIST staff his seen much Beiter tree growth for Small Groups that keep their groves clean, These groups gave weeding high priority in their weekly activities, and this is keeping their trees healthy. Irs addition 10 benefits above, hers are other advantages of weeding MERIT BONE - Trees are more protected froma fins spreading. « Clean groves ars an example to others #nd they become eager Lo learn more about TIST trees, lean groves indicate that small ETUDE are maintaining them and are good examples of the TIST program (har will atizact muy people to come and see your Work. Clean groves enable the Quantifiers to count the trees quickly and accurately. Please, let us all curry on woeding our groves. Please; let us all keep car promises to keep the trees mm our groves alive and healthy for 30) years of more a5 we promise. 1 i worth the efor ol each member of our Small Groups. You will be able to see 1h difference as your frees grow healthy and strong. By Sarah Nankonda. PREPARING NURSERIES Tt 5 nov time 10 SEAT IufSerics, When we start OOF Own MIrSEnes, We can keep costs ow and results big. We can grow diverse species that provide varied benefits for years to COME, First, choose a suitable place for the tree mrsery. The phice should have a slight slope so water runs off. The place should be aut of floods bul near a water source [ikea river of water tap so it is gasy to walsr the seedlings as they grow. It is useful if the nursery is close to where the trees will be planted. This way, itis easy to carry the saplings to its proves, so that they are healthy and not sms during transplanting, Omoe you have chosen 2 site, prepare the seefbed. First, the marsery bed should be surrounded with dried nize stalks or branches as 1 fence to prevent animals from geting m. After that, prepare he fertile seeded soil. There arc many ways to make good seed soil, One way is tor use 3 parts of topsoll froan: forest areas, 2 parts of sand and 1 part of manure or plant compost. Make sure (he compost is well matured. This will ensure that the soil 5 rich with nomismts to help the seeds grow. TIST menribers have shared these best practices for niising seedlings: 0 Make sure you have gathered good quality seed from healthy parent trees with good traits {good strong tenk for a tres you are growing for timber: no diseases; good fruits Tor a fruit tree).

Check to make sure fie sods are free of pests and mokd, Planting diverse species makes healthy proves that provide long-term benefiE. i You should time when you plant the seed according 16 how long it will take it leche strong and the right see to transplant into the prepared hole in the field. You want to have the sexdlings ready to transplant at 2 time when raing and weather will be good for their survival. 3) Put fhe seed in some sort of bag sr tube filled with the forifie soil mixture 50 the hag constrains fhe plant vertically. Some Groups uss polytubes. Others make tubes from clean, peed plastic sacks from shopping, or from pieces of sacks from charcoal cut in strips and sealed . with an ember. (thers use banana leaves. 4) Seedlings should be checked at least every week and probably more often than that. They need to be watered and weeded, 5) When you check the seedlings, book az the roots. You can ether chp off the small roots that are coming Ril OF OL can jis move the seodling in the nursery eno per week, Siar your MUTEEHcs DOW SO We can FIOwW more iress, grow our profits and benefits, amd grow TIST! By Ndyabawe Carl Peters Trainer Kabale WHY HINACLUSTER? Most TIST Small Groups are in Clogsters. The chester 15-the center of the Small Growep’s TIST experience. 

The clusters ane imporiant for Small Group sicoess, =o that groups gel good raning, good quantification, and can receive tree incentives regularly. It's where they go for Cluster meetings. training. and getling paid. Sometimes tive clusters are very hig — — as many 215 200 seal] crops. Somerimes the clusters are foo small — — only LD ar 20 groups, We want to-wngk sa that all the chisters hecome strong and “rpght sized”. A right steed” cluster is about 400 — 30 to 50 smatl groups with-at least 100 ha of land to plant trecs. All those farmers, and all of the groves in the cluster, need to be mm walking distance of 2 place where they can ave monthly cluster meetings and which has good mobile phone coverage. formers Advantages of bring a cluster. When a Smatl Group is in 2 Cluster, they have many benefits: » It is easy to come for regular Cluster Meetings » Tt is =afe and convenient to get paid = [1 35 easy to bean Best Practices like Conservation Farming = Tt is cary to participide in mew TIST opportunities like fmiproved energy saving stoves Starfing soon thers can be even more benefits, In TIST Kenya, based on discussions at TEST Seminars over the last three years, ft has been determined that cach Cluster should have the ability to become $21f- governmg.

The Cluster will chet * Cluster Representatives whowll serve for a few months as the administrative team for that claster, This will mean that many mee Small Group participants have the opporiunily fo attend TIST Seminars for leadership training, for developing new Best Practices. and for contmuing to help quantify all your trees, Conservation Farming, organire-to mike sure you get safe and regular tree payments. If we organize Gurselves and meet regrebardy in our chesters in Uganda, we may be able to enjoy these benefits, too. By Sam Ndimba Buranga United Tree Planting. Why Is training important for TIST members? Trainings and Seminars are important: + To get good quality information out to Small Group members : + To improve the TIST program = To understand the program well = To reduce poverty in society » To remind members of their duties » To help other Small Groups w TROVE . » To improve our own activities «To know the importance of environmental conservation «Fo help us take conmral of oor lives. How much do YOU know shout TIST? Find oui! Toy to answer these quisstions in your Small Groups this month. [tis important to know about TIST because then you can tell new groups thout TIST. It will also help yous fer Feecive vouchers on time if you know the requirements property! |, What method of leadership does TIST use? Z. Is one person alone allowed 10 join the TIST program? 3: How may (reed docs 2 group need to join TIST? 4, How many trees should be planted each year to be an active TIST group? £. What other requirements do you need to boa TEST group? ¢. Mention four things that happen in the cluster mestngs. 7. What are the requirements to receive a voucher? &_ Why does TIST want each group to do Conservation Farming? 9, Why does TIST educate about HIV/AIDS? 1 How bong mass we let he trees in our TIST grove grow before we harvest them? Why is this important? 11. Why is i important to plant mdigenous and frit frees? By Pamela Barigye Quantifier Kabale.