Search for "drought resistant"

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  1. TIST Kenya Newsletter - April 2013

    … Guava (Psidium guajava, Kikuyu: Mubera) Ecology: Drought resistant but can’t tolerate waterlogging. Seeds: …
  2. TIST India Newsletter - July 2005

    … Subabul is best suited for warm regions, and it is highly drought resistant. It withstands variations in rainfall, …
  3. TIST Kenya Newsletter - March 2014

    … Kikuyu: Mubera) Guava trees require rainfall and are drought resistant but can’t tolerate waterlogging. …
  4. TIST Kenya Newsletter - May 2012

    … Guava (Psidium guajava, Kikuyu: Mubera) Ecology: Drought resistant but can’t tolerate waterlogging. Seeds: …
  5. TIST Uganda Newsletter - March 2013

    … Once establizhed in the ground, it grows fast. It’s a drought resistant tree. Take care nol to over-water it, as …
  6. TIST Kenya Newsletter - October 2014

    … guajava, Kikuyu: Mubera) Ecology: Requires rainfall, drought resistant but can’t tolerate water-logging Seeds: …
  7. TIST Uganda Newsletter - September 2021

    … 4-If your garden lacks Water for gardening, plant drought resistant plants like flowering shrubs etc. …
  8. TIST Kenya Newsletter - September 2011

    … are practicing it.A number of farmers are also trying CF on drought resistant crops such as sorghum, millet and cassava, … are encouraging each other to practice CF and also to plant drought resistant crops.This way, we will remain self …
  9. TIST Kenya Newsletter - October 2011

    … people with various training on topics such as planting of drought resistant crops. Joshua Kimaita, Church Minister, …
  10. TIST Kenya Newsletter - October 2013

    … crops like maize, sorghum and cowpeas. These trees are drought resistant, but can’t tolerate water logging. The …