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  1. TIST India Newsletter - June 2004

    … is sown usually in November, in wellprepared and manured nursery beds. One hectare of casuarina planted area requires about 1/2 kg seeds for nursery sowing. The nursery beds are made up of light and porous soil mixed with …
  2. TIST Uganda Newsletter - July 2017

    … East Africa. Website: In this Issue: • Nursery beds of indigenous trees • The best tree groves … • Trees to us TIST Uganda July News Letter 2017 2 NURSERY BEDS OF INDIGENOUS TREES We encourage Small Groups to have nursery beds of indigenous trees. Communities and …
  3. TIST Uganda Newsletter - August 2023

    … monthly Cluster meetings  • Should have established nursery beds  • All the groups should have a fully … to be used in six months, for example when training on nursery beds  • It reminds the CS when and where to … land to plant trees  • Should be able to establish nursery beds  • Should be able to plant trees that die …
  4. TIST Kenya Newsletter - June 2018

    … to damage the young roots. Alternatively, try the raised nursery beds (see Unit 4), which reduce the need for root …
  5. TIST Kenya Newsletter - January 2019

    … to damage the young roots. Alternatively, try the raised nursery beds (see Unit 4), which reduce the need for root …
  6. TIST Uganda Newsletter - October 2021

    … to give the information about TIST  • To set up nursery beds so that more seedlings are available  • … (The Tree) TIST newsletter  • Practicing raised nursery beds which can motivate others  • To work with … to leadership for feedback on challenges - Establishment of nursery beds - Getting reimbursement in time - Farmer’s …
  7. TIST Uganda Newsletter - November 2016

    … beds is also easier. Easy weed and root control raised Nursery beds EXPANSION PROCESS  Expansion in …
  8. TIST Uganda Newsletter - October 2016

    … is also easier.  Easy weed and root control raised Nursery beds EXPANSION PROCESS  Expansion in …
  9. TIST Uganda Newsletter - March 2022

    … • The incentives have helped us to maintain our nursery beds where we get seedlings to continue planting … eligible for Profit Sharing   ● Creating raised nursery beds  ● Ensuring Small Groups are paid … TIST,  • Cente ma TIST miyo ni wa tiyo kwede me keto nursery beds man medo wel yadi ma gipito I kabedo wa. …
  10. TIST Kenya Newsletter - April 2015

    … to damage the young roots. Alternatively, try the raised nursery beds (see Unit 4) which reduce the need for root …